Paradox's Forum Posts

  • Oh Classic. That is completely different animal, I don't know enough about that to offer a suggestion.

  • I would think trying to time when a point in a song will happen is a bit much to ask of a browser. Even setting it to loop doesn't work everywhere.

    It may work soon, it's amazing how far sound has come in the past year. But currently you may be trying to make a silk purse out of a sows ear.

    Delta time compensates for slowness due to slow processors and internet lag so that timed events can skip ahead when it needs to stay lined up. But if the sound doesn't start when the timer thinks it does, you have to hope the exact same lag affects the 2nd piece too.

  • That's what I did for a turn based game. I copied the map to a smaller hidden grid and found the path on it.

  • Hmm, sounds like a stable release is next.

  • There is a possibly more complex idea here, R0J0hound came up with:

  • I just got an email Appbackr is accepting the two games I've been trying to re-size and upload for $250 each.

    However apparently the form on Scirra that I uploaded to, renamed them "Construct2" and they don't know which is which.

    Tom Is this something that still needs to be fixed?

  • I made one because I wanted to see how few events I could make it in.

    It's 3 short events. It was 2, but I added a victory declaration at 10 points which added a sub-event.

    I think I was just over 30 minutes because I played with some fancy collision paths to prevent balls getting stuck, ;-) and as part of the AI.

    <font color="magenta">capx:</font>

    <font color="magenta">Play it:</font>

    I didn't look at anyone else's first, so I wouldn't affect my choices.

    Edit: Oh yeah, Cursor keys to play. Sadly I stink at pong, my best against my AI was 6 to 10.

    (Cancel that, after trying some others, I came back and beat it 10 to 8)

    Just realized how I could get it down to 2 events again too. (9 actions) Couldn't help but make a version. Play & .CAPX (this one also gets harder the longer the ball is alive.)

  • You need to make an official bug report in the Bugs forum.

    It requires you make a simple .capx that recreates the problem. (simple in that it doesn't have your whole project, just the bug example)

    I haven't encountered the error myself.

  • I had a ball breaking a wall, and when it broke several each hit made a sound, my PCs 8 cores played it fine so I didn't notice, but when played on an Iphone browser it apparently tried to layer them out slightly, it was a wildly distorted mess. (break your speaker scary)

    I put in an "is playing" test, to prevent the same sound from playing if it was already playing. In it's place it played a crumbling wall (bricks falling) sound which worked great, because it became an indicator that multiple fell.

    I would say you need to do tests and plan around that.

    (the game isn't public yet, but I hate when people reference something they don't show. CannonBall Bash )

  • Looking very critically for what would flag it as not really massive, I might suggest the white lines. As a viewer you see them as lines, but in reality they would be great expanses of color. These don't leave you with that impression.

    How to fix it, I don't really know.

    It shouldn't be drastic, or it would go from being what it is now, the tiniest of subtle indications, to something consciously noticeable.

  • For the Page suggestion, I think a slightly modified version of the tutorial section would be great for that. (And it's already written.)

    And the follow forum feature would also be great for when your wanting to follow a conversation. Like when you aren't really involved to get named, or they forget to NAME.

  • Most "languages" are just that, attempts at making it more read/writable, speeding coding up, and extending access to more people.

    So there are languages in languages dropping the complexity more each level.

    Saying Construct2 isn't part of that lineage is narcissistic, anything "lighter" than your level of coding experience is a game maker.

    Every language has elitist haters, look at Java.     


    Ok, maybe not every language, there aren't many Assembly coders knocking C.

  • There is that has a Construct2 plugin that does most everything for you. They manage the ads and take a small cut. Worth it on how easy they've made it.

    I only just added it to Pucked, so it's only made me 2 cents with about 50 views.

    The loading ad I turned on in the Clay website. The ad in the play window is added inside Construct2 by selecting the size, and placing it like a sprite.

    (you can also control refresh time, but I didn't try that yet.)

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I never have figured out how it chooses the tab order, it seems random, and even changes every so often. I just know it's not alphabetical.

    You can drag them around to change the order, and even drag them down to split the screen, showing more than one at a time.

  • Actually the sub event will only pick from the list of that instance already picked. So if one is picked, it won't see the other.

    You can use families if you aren't using the free version.

    You pick one by referencing the family it's in, and the other directly. So you have two separate picking lists.