Paradox's Forum Posts

  • I didn't know about that one. I had the impression it didn't support rotation or any other size.

    I'm about to go on a Tizen rant, so I'll shut up now.

    Someone on their website forum said "at least they stopped rejecting apps because they didn't like their button colors."

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  • I was always planning on doing a Particle tutorial, but never had the time to write one. I do however have the Capx full of examples.

    Snow, leaves, rain, fire, explosions, smoke trails, star fields, fireworks, glitter, fountains, candle flames, and more,

    I'll clean it up and upload it.   


  • Error in Tizen SDK from bad Constuct2 ID format.

    message: Value is not facet-valid with respect to pattern '[0-9a-zA-Z]{10}[.][0-9a-zA-Z]{1,52}' for type 'applicationIdType'.

    In other words you can't have a dash in Construct2's ID field.

    I took the dash out of "OrbitalBomb-Bounder" and it worked.

    I don't know if the ID field needs filters, or if there is anything you can do. It's just a terribly worded error message on Tizen's part.(appearing cryptic)

    also, unrelated glitch, the Tizen Form refused to take my upload when the Config.XML was missing these sizes:

    <feature name=""/>

    <feature name=",800"/>

    it said "If no screen size is specified in a binary file, display devices cannon be recommended. Make sure that you have specified the screen size to display an application in IDE."

    I had those sizes in a previous submission, but figured if needed them, Appbackr would add them. But it had passed Appbackr. ($250 for it and the prev)

    Also if you are looking for more stories: It also failed once because it had an external link, (open URL in new window,) that when they hit the device back button, it would stick on a blank white screen.

    I took the link out, because I had no idea how to fix that.

  • Centra

    No, it's just an identifying mark. Just put the name of the game there with no spaces, Construct will add some numbers to it I believe, and it shouldn't change as it's what's used to tell if two uploads are the same app. (or use what ever you had there already.)

    Those errors don't ring any bells. You are using the Tizen Export?

    The Security setup is explained here, see if you have all that done:

    Edit: I see Distributor and Author in the Security certificate in the Tizen SDK. That does appear to be what the errors are referencing. That link above is what you need to setup the SDK.

    Also just learned by my own error, you can't have a dash in the ID field. It errored with "Value is not facet-valid with respect to pattern '[0-9a-zA-Z]{10}[.][0-9a-zA-Z]{1,52}' for type 'applicationIdType'."

    I took that error message to mean alpha numbric only, please.

  • Centra what form or email response is that from?

    Do you have all the properties set in Construct2 where you set the description, author, support email, ID, etc.?

    Tobye I emailed so much I think they got to know me. However there were quiet periods. Did they ask for your Tizen Profile ID and the app Content ID of the app?

  • Yeah Nomad The deadline was 12 hours ago. However Appbackr continues offer "prizes" up to $250 until the 27th. (Tizen site calls it a contest.)

    I've made $500 with them so far.

    retrodude Yeah I had achievements too. Very easy.

    Luckily I had a backup highscore system built in already for uploading to Scirra arcade.

  • retrodude

    That's what it said. I was looking for that specificly, to see if I could submit the application early.

    I believe it in was the FAQ, which seems to have disappeared.

    it said applications could be submitted before the app was validated, but if the date of the validation was not before the deadline, it wouldn't count.

    Apparently they did some validating just before the deadline, as mine was rejected with an hour to go.'s hi score didn't open up. Anybody else get's plugin features to work with them? (edit: worked great in the emulator)

    I had one accepted that had the plugin, but it didn't use any features.

    Heh, I removed and resubmitted, and it was accepted about the time I originally posted. NOW they pick up speed.

  • I've never seen any activity from them on the weekends, this one included.

    The content ID you can get as soon as you start working on the process, the number is visible in the URL from the start. It's the number that starts with 7 zeros.

    You can also see it listed in the "For Sale" list click on the title, or if it's not ready yet, in the "Validation" window, click on it's title.

    You can apply without the app being ready, so that if they approve it it will be instantly in the contest, but it won't count if they don't approve it in time.

    I have one sitting there that was rejected for an external link in it that the back button didn't always return to the game, and they told me Friday. So I fixed it and applied anyway, but I bet the contest is over before they come back to work.

    Don't know why they would end the contest on a Sunday at 11:59pm (US pacific time) when they don't work Sundays. (even got a 24 hours left email notice,)

  • Hmm, never thought of that.

    Can you cut and paste? that creates instances, Clone makes new versions.

  • That would be nice, I remember Visual Basic having something like that. (I forget what it was called now.)

    It would be nice if the same command jumped to the corresponding Function, or Layer, or jump down each corresponding variable throughout the code, But that may be asking a bit much.


    My solution I came up with was that all my functions go in an event sheet named Functions.

  • Great advice, I liked that alot. However I don't know if I can achieve it, 22 inches is a lot to ask.

  • sometimes putting a "Wait" in the second Event will cause it to wait til the next tick, solving the problem. But it depends on how yours is setup.

  • Or the simplest:


  • Ouch, that's crappy of them.

  • Scirra had a retweet contest a year and a half ago, I won a Humble Bundle.

    I doubt they would have done that if it included a competitor. ;-)