Humble Bundle Weekly with Multimedia Fusion 2

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  • Today, Humble Bundle Weekly Sale is give game creation software Multimedia Fusion 2, which is similar with Construct 2.

    You can pay $1 or more to get MMF2 software.

  • That's pretty cool. I suspect this won't come with the optional exporters. But I'll buy it. You never know :) Thanks for the heads up.

  • No point, it's extremely dated. It's like using an alpha of Construct Classic.

  • Scirra had a retweet contest a year and a half ago, I won a Humble Bundle.

    I doubt they would have done that if it included a competitor. ;-)

  • It looks like the old version, since they just launched a newer update. The version there is about 7 years old now. The new version has an upgrade fee, so it looks like you'd still have to pay again after buying the bundle to get the latest version.

  • Ouch, that's crappy of them.

  • Good news! I think that I will buy the bundle at USD1.

    Upgrading to the new version 2.5 is only USD39. Quite good.

    Perhaps YoYo Games' recent USD25 to GameMaker Studio Standard has an impact on Clickteam.

  • But seriously thou, why would anyone be getting mf2 if c2 with node webkit works fine?

  • But seriously thou, why would anyone be getting mf2 if c2 with node webkit works fine?

    Well, I also decided to go for it.

    I played around with Fusion 2.5 today and decided to upgrade to the full version. ($39 upgrade from the Humble Bundle to Fusion 2.5)

    I thought why not? A few things I saw and liked.

    Looking at Flash games as well as native exe games that's on Steam etc that have been made with it, convinced me that it's not only powerful but very fast especially with the Direct3D hardware acceleration. I mean some of those games has hundreds / thousands of particles etc going on at once. And the ones on iPhone / android as well. Very fast and no slowdowns. I also found this video which I was suprised some games I've played was made with it.

    Flash export. Debate all you want but there is still a lot of money to be made in Flash sponsorship etc. HTML 5 thankfully is catching up but the majority is still giving out bucks for Flash.

    XNA exporter for Windows phone and Xbox360 with other console extensions possibly in the works.

    The native .exe is also really nice and fast.

    Truth be told I also got it as I'm intrigued at what might happen with MMF3 as this is a complete re-imagining of the software. Although it's still far out, it will be an upgrade price and not full price.

    I'm just absolutely stocked that I now have Fusion 2.5 as well as Construct 2. I can publish to virtually any platform now.

    I'm not abandoning my Construct 2 project however and will continue to finish it.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Bleh, you can do better things with Construct than with MMF2. Construct just needs more attention from the devs and that's it.

  • Good news! I think that I will buy the bundle at USD1.

    Upgrading to the new version 2.5 is only USD39. Quite good.

    Perhaps YoYo Games' recent USD25 to GameMaker Studio Standard has an impact on Clickteam.


    You can't seem to upgrade from a humble bundle serial key

  • > Good news! I think that I will buy the bundle at USD1.


    > Upgrading to the new version 2.5 is only USD39. Quite good.


    > Perhaps YoYo Games' recent USD25 to GameMaker Studio Standard has an impact on Clickteam.


    You can't seem to upgrade from a humble bundle serial key


    No, it is confirmed by their staff.!-It-s-a-Humble-Bundle!

  • I think i'll pass on 2.5 and wait for 3, thats the one that really excites me.

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