Noga's Forum Posts

  • Is new cocoon supporting webgl? They got some issues with it last time I checked.

    I think it's fixed. In the test version the webGL is set to ON.

    I did a mistake when testing and corrected the original post with accurate numbers. It makes no difference in the result, just changed FPS numbers.

  • did you use old Cocoon? or new ".io" one?

    The new one.

    Here's the test version 2.

    source .capx

    Crosswalk export .apk

    Cocoon export .apk

    32 sprites with sine behavior and again tested on Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 7.0 SM-T110

    Crosswalk 12

    14-18% CPU

    41-49 FPS (average 44)


    32-42% CPU

    60 FPS stable

    FPS makes it clearly visible what export you should use for exporting C2 games. Again, this is how things are at the moment and they may change in the future. I'll do some more tests to see where the Cocoon will break.


    For testing, I was using cw12 shell with gpu blacklist. This turned the device into canvas 2d mode and the results for Crosswalk were much worse (22 FPS). After exporting the testing version with Intel XDK it uses webGL correctly and FPS went up.

    Still it doesn't change anything about which export performs better at the moment.

    Crosswalk is lagging no matter if 1 or 32 sprites are used. I'll try to add more sprites to see if it makes a change in FPS.

  • Here's the same test .capx exported with Cocoon, so we're not talking theory.

    Download the apk

    Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 7.0 SM-T110


    Vivante GC1000

    32-39% CPU

    60 FPS stable

    FPS is great, no problem. Now there's just one thing which bugs me, din't notice that before. That CPU usage went from 10% on Crosswalk to almost 40% with Cocoon

    Hopefully it won't be a problem. I'll try to do some stress test.

  • I don't know what people complaining about crosswalk.

    I think, they're complaining about 1 sprite game lagging on a device with a 4% market share (GPU MODEL = Vivante GC1000: 4.0%), which is like 40 000 000 devices.

    You're right, Crosswalk will be good. It's too late to start developing any native export. There are always limitations while developing. Right now, it's the performance of the Crosswalk export. Fortunatelly, there's another option in Cocoon, which at the moment gives best results. It may be again a different story in 6-12 months.

  • Fireche

    I know only Crosswalk. I'll call you ArcadEd, he's one of the CJS experts around.

  • i expect my games to run on adreno and mali gpus, others are not even being used anymore. powervxr is lost case, and tab3 uses also some crappy gpu. not a problem for me, today mostly 90% devices use mali/adreno.

    Maybe, if you target top countries, like USA, Canada, Australia, UK, Germany..., I don't believe you can get anywhere near 90% globaly.

    That test is stripped down to a minimum, 30 events, 3 sprites, 3 tiled backgrounds and low res 400x500px and from 9 devices - 3 unplayable, 6 good, but 2 of them didn't max fps, even at this low requirements.

    The only usable statistics I could find is this

    Mali and Adreno gpu's make 75% - if your game is more than 3 sprites & 3 backgrounds, you might want to remove their low end versions.

    Adreno = versions 200 to 225 which supports up to OpenGL ES 2.0 - that's 7%

    and Mali - sub 400 - 1%, and you we're down to 67%.

    One third of all players can't play the game properly, maybe even more, because Mali-400 supports up to ES 2.0 and from the test results, we can see it could start loosing fps when adding more objects.

    I think, to be sure it's best to support ES 3.0 and up, if you really want to go with Crosswalk.

    Distribution of the OpenGL ES 3.0+ in the last 6 months - 2015

    • Jan - 30%
    • Feb - 31%
    • Mar - 32.5%
    • Apr - 34%
    • May - 36%
    • Jun - 37%

    It could get to 50% by the end of 2015. What type of game you're making?

  • Can I export using Crosswalk and use the Google Games services plugin?

    Check out this topic, there's a plugin just for that.


    Hah, didn't even look at the date....well

  • This post is to help others to decide what to choose for exporting. I'm talking only about current Android situation. It may change in the future, but I don't expect anything radical in the next 6 months.

    Quick answer: go for the new Cocoon.

    Long answer:

    Last 5 months, I've spent many hours testing various crosswalk versions.

    I've used C2 template to make a simple game for testing and here are

    latest results


    This "1 tiled background & 3 sprites" game is basically unplayable on 3 devices. Future crosswalk version should fix infamous v-sync lag, but it won't fix low fps on those devices. Gigabyte GSmart Guru G1 & Asus Fonepad 7 FE170CG might not be bestsellers, but Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 certainly was and it has a big market penetration. Two months ago it was over 5%, now it sits around 1.7%, good it's getting better. Still, those are a year old devices and won't go away quickly.

    To sum it up.

    It's a pity, there's no way to tell in the Google dev console to not support devices with webGL blacklisted GPU. From my testings those are problematic devices and turning the flag off doesn't help much. One option is to set higher Android OS version, but since Samsung Tab 3 and other can have KitKat version, it's useless. Another option is to allow only devices with OpenGL ES 3.0+ support, this should mean only devices with good gpu will run your game. This can be set via a simple plugin. Downside is it cuts off like 65% devices and that's too much.

    So yeah, export with Crosswalk if

    • you don't care the game will lag on 50%+ devices
    • it will run good, but only on 35% devices (OpenGL ES 3.0+)
    • it will run good, but only on 12% devices (Android OS 5.0+)
    • your game has static background and mostly static sprites (i.e. logic game)

    I want my game to work on at least 80% devices and of those devices if 20% or less have some problems it's still ok. Given the current situation I wouldn't recommend exporting with Crosswalk. Cocoon looks promising, though. I tested my game on that problematic Galaxy Tab 3 and it looks and runs good, plus half sized apk. Crosswalk might be viable option next year.

  • shinkan

    I've tried your test on Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 7.0 SM-T110


    Vivante GC1000

    10-11% CPU

    44-47 FPS

    XDK export is unusable at this moment for scrolling games or anything which involves moving sprites.

  • By version code you mean in this page right?

    Yes. Try compile new apks with version code 15 and upload them to the Google dev console and deactivate both 12 and 14.

  • Problem is i never had any versions previously, and the version 12 is the arm file that was compiled from cocoon io.

    What's that version 14? There's no native platforms filled. It counts version 14 as an arm version, so it wants you to deactivate the version 12. You'll have to change the version number in Cocoon from 12 to 14 or higher or delete version 14 or reupload version 14. It should look something like this.

    60014 (1.0.1) x86
    20014 (1.0.1) armeabi-v7a
  • Appodeal now building succeeded with cocoon.

    Thanks, I'll try it out.

    You'll have to deactivate version 12.

  • cranberrygame

    Thank you Sang, are you going to fix all your plugins? I'm interested in:

    • Google Play (leaderboards & achievements)
    • IAP - maybe not necessary as this one should already work with the official Cocoon C2 plugin, but I haven't tried it
    • Appodeal
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  • isasaurio

    I've tested it on 2 tablets and it works without a problem.

    testing devices:

    Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 SM-T110 - Android 4.4.2

    Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro 8.4 SM-T320 - Android 4.4

    btw. nice game, good luck with it.

  • Can you post a link to the game?