Noga's Forum Posts

  • Crosswalk 14 Shared Mode

    Tiny size and autoupdate from the store.

    Hey, that's interesting.

  • It would be nice (but it's just my idea) if you put a "Speech balloon" over the penguins, something like "Help Me!" but inside a speech balloon

    The difficulty is ok, good game

    Thanks, we think alike I had exactly the same idea. At first I wanted to use voiceover, but can't find any good one and profi would cost me about $80. Speech bubble would be good. I think the game needs an overhaul, I don't like it as it is, just need to find the energy to get back and polish it more.

  • Regarding the width issue, I'm having a hard time designing for multiple screen sizes. Any tips on how to do that?

    1. The best, but also the most expensive option is to buy test devices. That's most reliable when you have on hand experience. I bought 4 devices and it helped me a lot. If you can afford it, pick edge case devices. I choosed those:

    Samsung Galaxy Tab3 - because it was most used tablet at the time (6 months ago) and it has small resolution compared to the big screen (1024 x 600 - 7in screen)

    Samsung i9300 Galaxy S III - most used phone

    Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro 8.4 - because it has huge resolution (2560 x 1600)

    GIGABYTE GSmart Guru G1 - phone with hd display = small screen x high resolution (1920 x 1080)

    I bought them second hand, about $120 a piece, which is ok I think.

    2. Second option would be to have friends with various devices. Meet with them once a week/month and let them play your game. This might be even better than option one, because it won't cost you that much and they'll also give you instant feedback. Sometimes you just need to change one thing and see if that button is sized correctly, than it's better to have an in house device.

    3. Big monitor with high resolution. 4K+ would be great, but I guess 1920x1080 should suffice, which you can get a new one for $120. Than you can stretch the browser window to see where it breaks.

    • while previewing the game in Chrome browser
    • press F12 or "Ctrl + Shift + i" to open dev tools and undock it into separate window
    • stretch/shrink preview window, you'll see actual resolution in the upper right corner
    • try unusual screen sizes and see how it looks. Sometimes I try crazy resolutions like 1800x100, 200x900 and see if the game is still playable and if the background stretches properly.
  • Try Construct 3

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  • I like it, spent about 10 min playing. I have a question about the objects. What did you used AJAX and XML for?

  • Ok, it works now. Why'd you restrain any country from downloading the game or was it applied by Google?

    It's a nice game, I'm just missing a music. I think rock would fit, it's no big deal though. I like the leaderboards, what service did you use?

    Did you use new for the export? After pressing the back button on the device, the game terminates immediately. There's no quit selection or delay. I think it's a problem only when using Cocoon.

    The field doesn't stretch the whole way on my device. Look at the screenshot on the right side. The resolution of the device is 1600x2560

  • I can't download it. It's not available in my country (Czech).

  • Wish we could use Google Play Saved Games feature...would make it easy to save progress in the cloud, and switch from CJS to XDK export if we need to, without losing a player's progress.

    +1 for this feature. What needs to be done to make it into the C2?

  • ludei

    I have couple problems

    • In my game when a user presses the back button, it should show quit menu, but it instantly closes the app.
    • After Cocoon logo, the screen is black until it loads the game. Is there a way I can show a user loading progress/spash screen?


    Thank you for the Google Game services plugin, there's no error when compiling an app anymore, but there's a one new. Can't login to the service. It always shows "Unknown error" alert.

  • 2. I noticed that there are only 2 apks now; it seems arm7 and x86 builds have been merged. I don't know why this was done, but I would strongly discourage bloating the apk by bundling in both runtimes, or at least make this an option we can disable.

    For an android user on an x86 platform, this would effectively make my game 250% larger than the platform specific build.

    On mobile we often go to great lengths to shave of a couple MBs off the final file; it's a trivial process to upload 2 apks vs 1.

    Yes, they should split the file again, because now it's getting size similar to the Intel XDK.

    My game apk size

    Cocoon - before the merge - 15mb

    Cocoon - latest export - 23mb

    Intel XDK - 30mb

    On one export the fps was low, now it's ok, than I got black screen, it's ok now. On one export, the game is fullscreen, but it's scaled up too much, opposite to the problem before. The game is full screen, but I'm seeing just upper left quarter of the game. I'm still doing testing and trying various settings, it's taking a lot of time.

  • When did you compile this APK? We updated that javascript file 3 days ago. Try this apk or create a new one in the cloud.

    Yes, I must've compiled it just before the update. Now, it works, thanks.

  • Next I go into the Intel XDK, build 1995, and do these steps:

    1. Go to Projects tab, and click on "Start a New Project".

    2. Choose the "Import your HTML5 code base" option, and browse to my Construct 2 export directory in the "Import From" field. Click Continue.

    3. In the "Project Name" popup field, enter "HelloWorld". Click Create.

    4. In the "Project Importer Results" window, I leave everything alone - the "Source Directory" is blank (I've also tried ./), and both "Use Cordova Plugins" and "Game Project" are set to no. Click Continue.

    5. I get a message that says "Congratulations! Your project has been created successfully".

    6. I click on the "Emulate" tab, and I get a mockup of a phone, with a black screen that has a little bit of a white border at the top. If I produce an APK and load it on my phone, I get the same black screen - the emulator is faithfully showing the same thing the phone does.

    Emulator never works for me. I don't know why and never tried to find out why. Only sound works, I just don't use it.

    Here's .apk I exported with no problem, try if it works works you.

    I don't see anywhere in your steps mentioned setting up build settings, so I suppose you didn't set any.

    7. In the Intel XDK, in the upper left corner, click on PROJECTS

    8. In the Hybrid Mobile Build Settings, on the right side uncheck icons Android, iOS, Windows 8 - you'll be left only with Android-Crosswalk

    9. Click on the + sign below and expand the menu

    10. Check those properties

    fullscreen - yes

    orientation - portrait

    signed - yes (just for testing)

    Crosswalk version 12

  • Can you send us the zips you are using so we can reproduce and debug the problems?

    Here are my files




    results - fullscreen only on one device

  • Ashley

    Would "preview without sound/music" mode help? Sometimes I need to check just collisions or animations.

    What about "preview low res" mode? In Adobe After Effects, down sampling can be choosed for the preview.

    [quote:or2joyv9]At the quarter resolution setting, the program only renders every fourth pixel, and then scales up the result to fit in the Composition panel. This allows it to build the preview much faster and can be helpful for reviewing complex animations. This lowered resolution is for preview purposes only; it does not affect the final output quality when you output your file.

    Don't know if it's possible or how difficult it'd be to add, but that "no sound mode" looks pretty easy.

  • ludei


    No luck with the fix, it's still on the 1/4 of the screen.

    1st test

    game window size 1280x720 - 16:9

    Test devices

    • Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 SM-T110 - 1024 x 600 - Aspect Ratio 128:75 - 170 ppi - passed
    • GIGABYTE GSmart Guru G1 - 1920 x 1080 - Aspect Ratio 16:9 - 441 ppi - failed
    • Samsung i9300 Galaxy S III - 1280 x 720 - Aspect Ratio 16:9 - 306 ppi - failed
    • Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro 8.4 SM-T320 - 2560 x 1600 - Aspect Ratio 16:10 - 359 ppi - failed

    I did next 2 tests just to see if an app resolution would have any affect on the results.

    2nd test - game window size 3840x2160 = 16:9 - Samsung i9300 Galaxy S III - 16:9 - failed

    3nd test - game window size 800x500 = 16:10 - Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro 8.4 - 16:10 - failed

  • Tried to recompile a WebGL export of my project in

    Game runs the bottom 1/4 of my screen.

    Can you try the Cocoon test apk from this post?

    Window size - 1280, 720

    webGL - ON

    my device has resolution 1024, 600 and it looks normal.

    this is from my testing with crosswalk, so not sure if it is applicable with cocoon, but I had a game that was cpu hungry on crosswalk, 40% up to 70%. I did some stress test and I found one big red flag that made me stop all plans for the game at the moment. It devoured my battery life like crazy! I mean insanely battery hungry! No other games I played even came close. A comparison, I played real racing 3 for 20 minutes, and my game for 5 minutes. Checking the battery usage, my game used roughly 10x more power. Not sure if this is the case with cocoon, but just wanted to let you know so you could look out for it next time you do a stress test.

    As someone mentioned couple posts back, Crosswalk (and Cocoon) is an extra level on top of the game to make it run and it takes more power by doing that extra work which native games don't need to care about. That's something we can't avoid and it means we have to be even more careful about resources when using C2.

    From those few tests I did lately, Cocoon takes about 50% more CPU power than Crosswalk (it looks, it doesn't scale that much when adding more sprites, so that's good). It's great it can keep 60 FPS, I just hope it doesn't mean 50% more power consumption.