Noga's Forum Posts

  • imaffett

    Is production cw12 different from your cw testing shells? Because, when I test preview on my wifi using testing cw12 shell, 2 devices are in canvas 2d mode and 2 in webGL and when testing beta version, downloaded from the store, all 4 are in webGL. Is there the device blacklisting turned off? Also graphics quality looks bit different, it looks more blurry on the exported version.

  • imaffett & Iolva

    Hah, that was fast

    Going testing.....


    I'm finishing my game and so far cw12 is the best......well, there's one "but". It looks like it's the best for newer devices which can utilize webGL. I'll write here as soon as I'm done with the game, probably in couple days.

  • imaffett

    Any word on when crosswalk 12 could go stable? After some more playing with your cw testing shells it seems the cw12 does perform best....for devices which can do webGL, if it fails, it's still better to use cw7.

  • I use cranberrygame Cordova Chartboost 1.0.3 plugin for interstitials and it crashes my game. When action for preloading ad fires off it freezes the game for couple seconds than crashes. No ad is shown. I tried test and live mode and it's still the same. When the wifi is turned off, the game keeps going so there's problem with requesting the interstitial. Has anyone had the same problem?

  • I have made it !

    Good you're doing well, keep posting your progress.

  • The google game services leaderboards have the option to send back the user placement in every leaderboard, so you can notify them when they lose their place to someone else, this is a very engaging feature to have, do you think you can add it to your plugin?

    cranberrygame - yes, please add this feature to the plugin.

  • Watch tutorials and create, than practice, practice, practice. If you want a good design, you'll have to either invest your time and learn it yourself or invest your money (which equals time in the end ) and pay someone else to do it.

    It took me about 30 hrs to make an UI into my game. It could've been much cheaper if I just paid someone to do it, but I don't regret it. I've learned something new which might come in handy in the future.


    • Google "photoshop ui tutorial"
    • Ok, I want to use this one in my game
    • after 30-60min, done
    • If you practice like this every day, I'll call you next year with a job offer and you'll create something similar quality under 15min.

    It's actually very easy to be good at graphic design, it just takes time....

  • Touch is longer and tap is quick click and release.

    Try it here. You can use both mouse or finger.

    • Touch/click on the left box and hold = than after 1 second release, it will count the touch
    • Touch/click on the right box and hold = than after 1 second release, it will not count the touch (to make it count, you have to tap and release quickly)
  • I have opened a ticket with the Chromium Security team asking them to rev the Open SSL version. If they do, we will rebase Crosswalk 7.

    Thank you for the update. Is there anything we could do to help with it?

  • There is already a 'Subscribe Topic' link at the foot of this forum, or are you referring to something else?

    Ye, that's what I was looking for, thanks. I've seen people bumping topics just to get notification when a new post appears so I didn't even look for it. It's kinda lost there at the footer, I'll adjust the original post.

  • Original post [solved] - Could be this nice feature added to the forum to notify a user whenever there is a change in the topic they subscribed.

    New request - Could be the "Subscribe topic" & "Bookmark topic" features moved to the more visible place? Below the topic name or beside "Post a replay" button.

    Quick mockup

  • - sure, but it's highly unlikely they will change it. It would be better for a user here to raise the issue as a Chromium bug and have everyone star it.

    Could you do it? If not, I'll open the issue, but can you help us with it and send me the text which I can use? I'm not really technical and don't know exactly what to write to describe the problem correctly.

  • Released a new pack of assets;

    That's great, thank you for your work.

  • mailalon

    Good to hear it's working for you. Do you use variable to pass ID into the plugin action? Because for me it didn't work for days, until I changed it and put the ID straight into the action. From my experience it looks like a bug in the plugin.

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  • I use this one (just Android). It's not worldwide, but the only resonable I could find and I think AppBrain's user base is big enough to take it as a presentable sample.

    Samsung dominance