Noga's Forum Posts

  • +1

    I've read about it and it looks great. They had some problems with the loading speed of ads, but it should be ok now. I'd like to test it. I especially like the idea of having just one account for all.

  • ibikhan1234

    I found this topic, looks like it there's a problem with it.....

    I've always thought Crosswalk is the same as desktop Chrome and it's actually based on Chrome for Android, so according to the table

    that API should be supported in the Chromium 42, which equals to the Crosswalk 13 (hopefully soon in XDK), but I'll ask


    he should be able to help you better.

  • What version of Chrome does Crosswalk use?


    Lowest version is cw7 with chromium 36 and according to the list you should be ok, but I'd go with the latest to be sure - cw12 uses chromium 41

  • I like the idea. I see only one problem, sometimes it's impossible to grab the next liana, because the one I'm hanging on and the next one have the same pendulum velocity.

  • Hi, nice to see you're alive again, I also had a long break, but the C2 love is too strong

  • You can think of it as a back button in a browser or an escape key on a keyboard. After pressing it an Android user expects to go to previous screen (i. e. from level select to main menu), open settings menu or call up "Do you want to quit?" tab, etc.

    When I press Home button the app doesn't close completly and stays in the memory for later use.

    To make your app use the back button isn't that hard and users are expecting it. It was the first thing my friend noticed when I showed him my game. I have big "X" in the menu to close the game, but he's used to the back button.

    The code for your game could look like (main menu)

    Browser - On mobile back button pressed ===> create Quit menu
    Touch - On touched "Yes" ===> Browser close[/code:3rw93gix]
    If you want to include it into your next update, feel free to pm me and I can test it.
  • Good game, I like it. I might spotted a bug. Played it on Android and the back button doesn't seem to work. Don't know how to exit the game from the menu.

  • It's playable on my low end Samsung Galaxy Tab 3, so I guess you don't need to worry about performance. Nice graphics and calming gameplay, maybe too much. Speed up would help and leaderboards to keep a player hooked a bit longer.

  • newt


    It could be a simple game with leaderboard. To pass the registration and be able to post the user would have to get over certain score or level. It could be also a fun way to present C2 capabilities to a new user.

  • I think they got hold of the information Tom is being away....bastards.

  • limit the rate of posts they can make to one per 10 minutes, or something similar?

    That's a good idea. It's not possible for a human to create 2 or more meaningful topics in 1 minute.

    Only English charactes should be allowed in a topic title, it's an English forum after all (analphabet A-Z plus basic punctuation marks - period, question/exclamation mark, brackets, dash, apostrophe - what else a normal user needs).

    All those restrictions could be called off for a trusted member. Someone with account's age greater than a week/month and with 10+ posts.

  • Cool graphics and it is a fun game. Great job

    Thank you, glad you liked it. Unfortunatelly I did that mistake and bought the graphics with non-exclusive rights. Next time I'll pay more for exclusive rights or invest more time into creating my own.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Update 1.0.5

    New video and difficulty change

  • Elliott

    can you check out this app? It's supposed to be a social network for games and from the description I can see some similarities with your app.

  • Tom

    I have 2 icons in my signature and when I want to add one more it brakes to another row. Is there any code like

    float: left;[/code:1ae391rr]
    I could add to the icons to keep tham aligned?