Noga's Forum Posts

  • I uploaded new screenshots and the warning is gone

    Before, I used screenshots from computer preview and now I took screenshots directly from the tablets (I have one 7" and one 8.4") and uploaded them without resizing (portrait - 7" is 600x1024 and the bigger is 2560x1600 which I used for 10" reference).

    I think it must be adaptive layout and hi-res like MACPK said. Take highest resolution screenshots you can.

  • Just an update - it's working now

    Try this fix, if you have the same setup in your game, it might work for you.

    I was using global constant variable for Google IAP ID

    Global constant text PURCHASED = "myProductID"[/code:tygizjhj]
    Then when making purchase, I passed it to the Phonegap action, but that made the error.
    [code:tygizjhj]PhonegapIAP : Purchase product = PURCHASED[/code:tygizjhj]
    Once I removed the constant and replaced every occurrence with product ID, it started to work
    [code:tygizjhj]PhonegapIAP : Purchase product = "myProductID"[/code:tygizjhj]
    It didn't work straight after the apk reupload to the store. It took about a half a day for Google servers to process it.
  • Iolva

    Any news about the designed for tablets issue? I have the same problem, both my apps are marked as designed for phones. I have 2 tablets for testing and it looks good on both. Don't know where's the problem.

    First game is 1024x512 and the second 1280x720 and they scale outer, if it matters.

    I'll tag , because in his portfolio he has both "designed for tablets" & "designed for phones" games.

  • That's great, lot's of fun.

  • Have you run dxsetup recently? Are your drivers up to date? I have only tried it on about 6 machines but it works fine on all of them.

    On start it looks normal for 2-3 sec, than it starts jumping around. Can't make the integrated graphics to update, it's Intel, but modified by Asus, maybe there's the problem.

  • There's something wrong with it. The screen flashes like crazy and changes every half second from red to blue and back with randomly spawn objects. Can't watch it for more than 5 seconds.

  • I'm using this one. There's step-by-step manual with pictures.

  • HOWEVER...

    there are Atomic Plugins made by Ludei, but you can't use them yet in ludei cloud service. Ludei told that they are still working on updating their cloud service.

    When they will do that (= native AdMob in Canvas+ / WebView+) then CocoonJS will shine like a star

    Atomic plugins look promising, hopefully the cloud activation isn't far away. Thank you for the summary.

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  • I'll switch to CJS until the performance issues with Crosswalk are resolved and would like to know what should I be aware of.

    • my game is similar to Flappy Bird style
    • want to target iOS and Android (lower versions better, but it's ok if only iOS8+ & Android 4.0+)
    • using leaderboards, ads and IAP

    Should I use canvas+ or can I use WebView+? I've read about some audio problems, screen flickering, crashes, long loading times. How does it look now, near April 2015? What problems could I have while exporting with CJS?

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  • I wanted to thank everyone for their feedback. I can tell you the Crosswalk team is very aware of the issues with performance. They are actively looking into it now. This is not an "easy" fix as you can guess, but I hope you have patience as the issues are being worked out. The goal is to make Crosswalk work amazing on Android for gaming!

    Thank you for your help. I'll get back to Crosswalk once the problem is gone, meanwhile I might use it for nonscrolling games.

  • anyway it only proves that CW7 can run game with 1 simple sprite and pipes with bullet behavior (I guess). It would be nice to see something with more objects, behaviors and so on.

    I thought I was doing something wrong in my game. That it's too demanding and not optimized, that I'm using too big and too many sprites and so on, but even after I removed all parallax backgrounds and cut down all sprites creating too a minimum, the screen jerking and lagging was still present (in crosswalk 10). When I tried the cw7 shell the sprites and background jumping stopped and the fps went up by 10%. It's not about fps, when running it on a low end device, I can see it's not smooth, but it's playable because it's consistent. In cw10 all objects with bullet behavior abruptly jump and there even seems to be an input lag.

    After making the test game it's clear the problem is in cw10+. I believe crasswalk is good or let's say, will be. I just don't have time right now to wait for that, unless they can fix it in couple days and I'll switch to CJS.

  • I see results of your tests and I want to cry. OMG...

    Crosswalk = Slowwalk

    Can you try the test on your device? See this post

  • You have to actually play the game. Tap or click on the screen. I've made it super easy so shouldn't be a problem finish it. When you crash a pipe or ground the game restarts, that's why that timer jumping.

  • Time is jumping between 20 and 19, it'll never end

    Ok, I'll check it out