NN81's Forum Posts

  • I tried to build the following simple android app using Construct 3 and it is draining too much battery. The app consists of the following:

    4 sprites that used as boundaries of the layout, with property solid

    4 sprites with bullet behavior and bounce on solid

    I did not add any event. So essentially you will see the bullet bouncing back and forth.

    I let the app run for 3 minutes and it is using almost 7 minutes of CPU total. Is there anything I can do to reduce the power consumption? Thanks

    hi, have you already read this?


  • Hi NN81

    Thank you, the only problem I was looking more to do it With triggers as they are Many instances of the same object and to avoid keep looping through each instance every thick just to correct the size I would like to find a solution with triggers if it exists.

    I'm more interested in the reason behind why is not working as it should trigger after the animation finishes it make sense for me but I cant understand why doesn't work

    Thanks for your help anyway

    your code too work fine just change the Sprite's Deafault animation frame size to same as frames sizes of Animation2.

  • Okay here is the capx


    Start the game and just wait and listen for like 1 minute. After a few seconds the sounds start cutting off or don't play at all.

    just move all your audio files into Sound folder.

    the problem in music folder is due to buffer stream.

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  • Hi

    I'm having some trouble lately with the triggers, in this case, is with the (on Animation Finished)

    After the Animation finish, I change the Animation & size to 64x64 but it doesn't work maybe again I did something really stupid that I cant see or this is a bug??

    How to reproduce:

    Left click Mouse to start the animation & on animation finish, you can right-click on any tile it will update the text object to display the UID & Size of that tile

    The size of the tiles after animation finished it should change to 64x64 but it doesn't work

    Capx: https://www.dropbox.com/s/m3698pqez19euyn/Animation%20Bug1.capx?dl=0

    I'm using the last stable release r250 just in case you cant open it

    hi, try this

  • I've set up this:

    Object 1 on collision with Object 2

    - Object 2 is animation "PianoNote1" playing -> Audio play "PianoNote1.ogg" not looping at volume 0 db

    PianoNote1 being an ogg audio file that I have imported and had no issues with (green checkmark).

    Whenever I open the game in ANY browser or NW.js I have a bug where my sounds are playing correctly for a while and then start cutting off during the sound or not playing sounds at all. Why is that?

    please link the capx

  • How do I make an event repeat itself when it has finished?

    The 'repeat' action in Construct 2 repeats all at the same time, whereas I want it to repeat AFTER it's cycled through each part of the event. Quick example:

    Say: Hello

    Say: Goodbye








    I hope that makes sense!


    this is just an example, you have to customize due to your want to do, conditions and actions. but this is a kind of manual forcing the "repeat" conditions, using a simple variable as support

  • Latest stable r250 now loads in < 2 secs for me.

    me too except for the very first time i run after boot the PC.

    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1YEg_B ... 5LSJTSu2TH

  • The page where I put all my coding, do I need a new one for each level? Or specific events?

    For instance if I have a boss battle should the code have it's own page?

    Should each level have it's own coding?

    are you talking about event sheets right?

    well, all depends on what you want to do and how you want to do it. but NO, you are not strictly obliged to use many of them.

    if you can get everything done by only one, is better.

  • EDIT

    with the new release my startup time now is 15 seconds the very first time i launch C2 when boot the PC and 2 seconds from the second restart of the editor onwards!!!!!!!!

    with previous release the times were of a thirty of seconds firts boot and a dozen of seconds the subsequent times.

  • I tried both the suggestions by NN81 & the_Shit_hawk, But nothing worked for me..

    but is an apk or an browser game?

  • What's up guys?

    I need some help.

    I've been using scale outer on my app, and it works fine on all the mobile screens eccept for the Iphone X screen,

    I ger bars of a background that i am able to change color on in construct.

    what have i missed?

    like i said, i have full screen on all the devises Iphone5, 6, 7, 8, ipad, samsung galaxy etc.. , but bars appear on Iphone X.

    What can i do to solve this?

    Thanks in advance

    i think is better if you use the scale inner mode instead of "scale outer"

    but carefull with what say the manual about it

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/73/sup ... reen-sizes

  • move music in sound folder and set preload sound to YES

  • NetOne

    worse things happen, the important thing is to find the error and solve, sometimes it is not the fault of not knowing how to do things, but the rush to do them, or a moment of distraction while programming..

  • from the Scirra manual

    Trigger once while true

    Turn an ordinary event (which is tested every tick) in to a trigger. For example, if an event plays a sound when lives equals 0, normally this event runs every tick. This plays about 60 sounds a second and would sound pretty bad. Adding Trigger once while true after the other conditions makes the event run just once when it first becomes true. This makes the previous example only play a sound once the first time your lives reaches 0. It must be the last condition in an event.

  • sorry but i can reproduce this "issue", on my computer everithing work fine, true resolution on a window doesnt'scale.

    are you using an updated nw.js version?