In case there are any other idiots like me out there. Heed this....
I have literally spent 2 weeks trying to figure out why my game is broke and it is because....
Global Variable = 0 (intending game to run nicely)
Event 1
If Global Variable = 0
Then go run game from level 0 with start screen and start menu.
Event 2
If Global Variable = -1
Then go run editor
Event 3
If Global Variable is not = 0
or Global Variable is not = -1
Then go run the game straight in at level (Global Variable 1) bypass all start screens and menus.
If you haven't spotted the error by the time you are reading this then you are probably in the idiot camp with me.
Actually it's pretty easy to spot when written like this. But when it is nestled in your event sheets with all the other code it looks so innocent and blameless I kept skimming over it.. for 2 whole weeks....