NN81's Forum Posts

  • no, touch trigger problem is only with music files NOT SOUNDS.

    see manual Scirra:


    Mobile limitations

    Safari on iOS and Chrome for Android share a limitation in playing music. While sound effects can be played at any time, music is only allowed to start playing when the user touches the screen. This is a limitation in the browsers themselves. As a result, if you play music on the start of layout, you may find in these browsers it does not actually start until the next touch.


    for this reason i suggest to try move musics on sound folder and preload sound on project settings

  • I'm not able to play any sound on StartOfLayout event on android version 4.4.*. It works fine on other android versions. What could be the possible reason and how to solve this?

    I have heard that browser does not allow sound play until user taps on the screen at least once. Is that the reason? Then why its working fine on other versions of android OS?

    move your music file from music folder to sound folder

  • This post is quite unacceptable.

    Rather than make an unwarranted rude and nasty post, it would be better to not post at all.

    sorry to disappoint you, but for me what is unacceptable was the way the author of the discussion did.

    I will certainly never comment on something of again, now that I know the "type".

  • Hi folks,

    Quick update: Due to project timelines, I am jumping over to C3 with my project as I suspect it will not have the same issues.

    The Construct team believes it is most likely a driver issue. I will test this out once time allows, but it won't be for awhile. For now, I will be finishing my project on C3.

    Thanks for all of your support.

    I'm sorry, but this is not a constructive attitude, formatting was not a solution, but move to C3 yes? Wow congratulations !

    you pretended that the others stayed two days with the computer turned on to do the tests for you, and to the questions suggestions that have been made you have always turned around, or you have not answered exactly.

    how was the test on the other computer? it is the third time I ask for it.

    I was interested in following you in this impossible hunt, but if I had doubts before, now I have the certainty of having only lost my time here . You are an egoist, and I am surprised by your attitude since you are not a newbie, I would have understood the newcomer, but not you, not a user who has been on the forum for 4 years and has 9,000 reputation points ..

    you raised a fuss for nothing, and now you wash your hands with a "thank you and goodbye"?

  • how about your test on the other computer? you experienced same issue?

  • You'd have to add it to a custom plugin.

    You can take the example template plugin that scirra provides and make your own plugin with the code. It's a pretty simple process.

    understood, usually i never use plugins but this time i think is exception

    thanks for sharing, i test it on a new project

  • I am not using fullscreen in browser.

    can u share the .capx?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • No, i am not - I turned request fullscreen on just to check what it did, and it scaled it up to the entire screen.

    you have to delete request fullscreen event because even if you put "fullscreen in browser" off in project settings, request fullscreen in eventsheet enable it

  • I can only preview my 480x640 window at the correct size with letterbox integer scale and use high DPI display set to ON.

    Same goes for exporting the file. anything else comes out scaled up..

    are you sure that you are NOT using "fullscreen" actions from browser plugin, somewhere in you eventsheet?

  • Not the global variables. There is already a system action that you can use to reset the global variables.

    I basically looked at the code for that action (for resetting the globals) and copied it into my own plugin and edited it so that it resets local variables instead of globals.

    I think this action resets ALL the local variables in the entire project regardless of whether a group is enabled or disabled.

    ok so the "reset global variables" action remain available

    then this piece of code you make create another action field right?

    how implement this? we have to edit some C2 file?

  • NN81 that's very kind of you to try.. Thanks! Caleb


    here you can download your project file with text that show fps i added, and the apk i build with cordova CLI, without crosswalk (this use android system webview)

    i test it on my huawey y560 and work fine at 60fps

    in case if you are interested i can make the apk with crosswalk (just tell me if your device is armv7 or x86 architecture), but before try this and let me know how work

    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ioTM- ... zZt54TY-sL

  • that's seems strange, can u share your .capx?

  • Hello. Hopefully someone will be kind enough to answer.

    when I run my app in a window, the window size should be 480,640 , but it is coming out at 720,960.

    I need the window to be exactly 480x640.

    I read there are window size issues in nw.js at present, is there a workaround for this? or is there an older version of nw.js that doesn't do this?

    Any example files showing a potential workaround have gone due to dropbox..

    Thanks in advance.

    hi, but you need to play in a window or at fullscreen?

    if you wanna keep your resolution exactly you can choose OFF on fullscreen in browser project setting, then export nw.js, select window frame, disable resizable window and kiosk mode

  • In case anyone is interested, and in case Ashley doesn't implement it (although it seems rather simple to add)- I copied the global variable reset action and modified it (changed "all_global_vars" to "all_local_vars") to work as a custom plugin:

    > 	Acts.prototype.ResetLocals = function ()
    		var i, len, g;
    		for (i = 0, len = this.runtime.all_local_vars.length; i < len; i++)
    			g = this.runtime.all_local_vars[i];
    			g.data = g.initial;
    When the action is run, it resets all the local variables to their default (including static variables).

    very interesting

    help me understand better, so this reset ALL variables of the project at the same time? locals and globals too?