nickkname's Forum Posts

  • r197 didn't solve the issue. I make a few changes to the events, hit Save, and then get the same error window as I posted. Construct crashes. I reopen Construct, nothing I did was saved.

  • I honestly don't know, all I did was change a few events and save the game before wanting to preview it.

    Anyway, downloading the new release now!

  • Sorry for the inconvenience. I've deleted the capx because I'm retooling the game. All the levels have been stripped down to the background, going to remake them all, then reupload the game to Dropbox and post the link. New manual, new levels, and new enemies in the remake. Art still not final, bear with me.

  • I made changes, clicked Saved, and clicked Preview when this error window popped up, before Construct crashed. I reopened Construct, the changes I had made before clicking Save weren't saved.



  • I haven't experienced any crashes today. Events still not working, but working on that.

  • "Human right", a.k.a. natural, moral or inalienable right, is your right to a good, necessary or natural thing via human nature, which it would be moral to uphold, and which cannot be denied, changed or else violated anymore than your humanity can be. I.e., if you're human, you are consubstantial with and equal to other human beings, and therefore, have the same human rights. An incomplete list of human rights include: the right to life, limbs, love, respect, private property, ownership, the truth, education, just wages, fruits of labors, contribute to society, help others, receive help from others, and equal treatment under the law. Lastly, because these rights are part of human nature, and so denying them is the denial of human nature (and therefore the denial of empirical evidence of your humanity: DNA, gametes, chromosomes, face, skin, behavior, weaknesses, parents, blood types, etc.), you have these rights from the moment of your life, i.e., at the very moment of human conception, since the human zygote is a new organism, which, since human beings naturally produce human beings, is a new human person. Just as you are your brain, so your personhood is your nature. In short, man is man and has, by being a man, his rights as a man.

    "Civil right", a.k.a. legal, citizen or state right, is your right to that which is legal, as a citizen, in your state. Not all laws are good - some deny human rights, for example - so you might not have certain civil rights that others do, but you do have the same human rights. Laws change, people vote, nations grow, politics arise, and other factors contribute to your civil rights. Americans, for example, have certain civil rights that protect certain human rights: the civil right to freedom of expression protects Americans' human right to freedom of expression, for example. Americans are free to make hate speech, but not free to act upon that hatred, because free expression is not absolute. So far, the only civil right considered absolute by the Supreme Court is freedom of belief.

    Under American law, you can patent video game parts and mechanics. The D-Pad and double jumping can be patented, for example. But there are four things to consider:

    1) patenting does not mean the government protects your patent - instead, you yourself must protect it, including by keeping tabs on what people do with your patent and by taking legal action.

    2) patenting does not mean you can patent anything - you cannot patent a mechanic someone else has already invented or used before the patent is submitted, since they didn't know better.

    3) patenting does not mean you own a patent just by submitting it to the USPTO - it has to be paid for (which, just like legal action, isn't cheap), approved of, and renewed every few years.

    4) patenting does not mean you can sue anyone - you cannot sue someone over a false claim of owning a patent or over a mechanic invented and used before you submitted your patent.

    A company cannot sue you for creating and owning a game that they patented for themselves (sometimes, without your knowledge). The case would be thrown out of court, but some companies have the malice and money to keep suing other companies until - exhausted of time and money - they submit: handing over their games, mechanics, etc. Electronic Arts (EA) is notorious for doing this, as well as hostile takeovers of game studios.

    Now, let's move on to your human rights as a gamer. You have the human right to entertainment - and therefore, to enjoy media: books, movies, Internet, video games, etc. You have the right to buy and play video games however you want. No one can prevent you from killing people in GTA or being nice to everyone in Postal 2 and no one can hamper your rights via DRM, scams or other anti-consumer practices. You also have the right to the truth: no one can deceive you with false promises and advertising: companies that promise but do not deliver on X, Y and Z and companies that falsely advertise their consoles or accessories can do A, B and C violate the right to the truth. You are not entitled for wanting your rights respected - rather, you are entitled to your rights. Likewise, you have the right to respect. Journalists respect you by giving honest reviews, news and opinions. Journalists disrespect you when they give dishonest reviews (due to not finishing the game, for the game not pandering to them, etc.), spread rumors instead of news ("yellow journalism", it's called), or demonize you for being a gamer ("gamers are violent, sexist, racist, anti-conservative, anti-liberal, anti-American, etc.").

    Consumers' rights - like all civil rights - are based on human rights, which are part of who you are, since you're a person. Your civil rights are meant to protect your humanity, not the other way around. You are neither expendable nor superhuman. You are consubstantial with and equal to everyone else. Getting rid of stairs for ramps to support those in wheelchairs is demeaning - those who can walk and those who can't are both human, and both stairs and ramps are useful for people. By the same token, getting rid of game mechanics to support minority gamers is demeaning - instead, either make a game specifically for a minority, with mechanics to that end, or come up with a creative way to widen your audience. For example, making the boss flash colors and make a sound when it is hit not only appeals to kids, who love colors and sounds, but also appeals to the deaf and to the blind.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I don't know how, but now I've realized I've lost a lot of work because Construct isn't saving anymore! I hit Save, close the program, reopen it, and nothing is saved.

  • [edited out link, see my next post]

    Continuing my work on the vertical platformer.

    Issues I'm having:

    • Star item doesn't work
    • cheat to shrink demons doesn't work
    • individual cheats don't work, but "all cheats" cheat works
    • when invincible, only the first frame (pink) appears rather than all frames appearing in successive order
    • M4A music file is 10.5 MB, want it to be smaller

    Things I want to implement:

    • new manual
    • lives
    • game over screen
    • extra life item
    • points, maybe tied to lives
    • bounce for points, bounce X number of times for extra life
    • boss battles
    • bonus area depending on X number of points
    • different endings
    • more cheat codes
    • more levels

    Besides that, the bounce is too high so I'm going to make it less high. That way players don't accidentally hit enemies from underneath.

  • I don't know what causes Construct to crash or why the variables aren't working. I've tried reordering the events, but it still doesn't work. When Construct crashes, I get an error message that keeps popping up every second until the program closes.

  • Problem Description

    1. Construct crashes when I want to preview the game

    2. Level events tied to variables (moonitem, demoncheat, etc.) don't work

    Attach a Capx ... .capx?dl=0

    Description of Capx

    My game: 7 levels (including level select and credits), 1 manual, 1 title screen, and savegame layout.

    File is 12.1 MB with music, but I can't upload it with music to Dropbox due to its size.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    1. Open capx

    2. Preview game

    3. Use items

    Observed Result

    Construct crashes, items don't work

    Expected Result

    Construct is stable, items work

    Affected Browsers

    Firefox 35.0.1

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 7 Vista

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • codah: what should I add to Else? I left them blank and the problem persisted.

    Link: this worked!

    thanks everyone

  • The event objects were out of order, but the spawning worked up until the third object (Sprite9). Then when I fixed the events, whenever I click on the first object (Sprite28), I get sent back to Title instead of the second object (Sprite8) spawning.

  • From a user on GameJolt about Pizza Drone: "fix weird collision and direction-changing bugs. There were times where I tried to quickly change direction, only to have horizontal movement freeze and my drone suddenly accelerate straight into a wall instead of resetting the acceleration."

    From another user about Flamescape: "the player's speed increases exponentially if you hold either left or right, which makes it feel unfair."

    I've encountered these problems as well, both on GameJolt and when playing the capxs. So my questions are:

    1) How do I fix the first problem with the collision and direction changing?

    2) How do I get Super Mario Bros. controls perfectly?

    Pizaa Drone Capx: ... .capx?dl=0

    Flamescape Capx: ... .capx?dl=0

  • I want to do two things:

    1) publish my game on my website

    2) include a capx for the game on my website

    I don't want to include a link to the capx in Dropbox, either, I want the capx with the game on the site. How do I do these things?

  • Wii U dev here, the dev kit allows you to use two screens. I haven't bought the kit yet, just browsed the forums. No I'm not violating the contract by telling you that, I'm just not allowed to disclose sensitive information (tools, manuals, etc.).

    My advice: don't develop for the three big consoles unless you have a game that needs one of their controllers to function: for example, if you have a game that requires a stylus or touch screen, the Wii U is a good choice. The reason is that PC is the best platform, but it's dying like Sony, so you gotta choose which sinking ship you want to publish your game on.

    Mobile is ***** nothing but greed-central, so don't give into temptation: making gamers pay for in-game items, putting content behind pay-walls, outrageous DLC prices, Patreon abuse, etc. is killing the mobile market faster than mobile device's own limitations. Sony is dying, Microsoft doesn't know **** about games, Nintendo is ruining its franchises, and Valve and EA are full of DRM. DRM is terrible for gamers: trojans and viruses, forcing people to rebuy games after they get banned, etc.

    So go PC unless you have a specific controller in mind. And start making those CoD and Flappy Bird clones for virtual reality, because heaven forbid we don't have more copycat garbage when the virtual reality gimmick goes full swing this year.