nickkname's Forum Posts

  • Thanks, it works :)

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  • I have a wall on the foreground layer and wallbox on the main layer, and I've set it up like the player and enemy movement according to the platformer tutorial.

    But the wall doesn't move, it just flickers when the player touches it.

    Wall set position to wallbox

    Wallbox has the added variable to move right

    Simulating platform movement

    What am I doing wrong?

  • How do I make an advancing wall of doom?



  • Thank you, its working now :)

  • Thanks everyone!

    I used the scrollto and boundto behaviors and added:

    Event: every tick

    Action: player >set position to playerbox (image point 0)

    Action: system > set scrollx to scrollx + 10 * dt

    But the screen isn't auto scrolling, so I am very confused.

  • I tried but nothing happened.

    I have a left-to-right horizontal level.

    Also, editing my post since it turned out blank when I posted it. Bugs, I guess.

  • 1. Add a Text Box

    2. Put in "Mary had a little lamb" without quote marks

    3. Go to Event Sheet

    • Event: System
    • Action: Wait
    • Put in 1 second
    • Event: Text Box
    • Action: Set Text
    • Put in "Its fleece was white as snow" with quote marks

    And there you go.

  • TIP

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  • its just like you said it

    add an event:

    system/on start of layout

    and an action


    if you won't do a 'stop audio' action, it will continue throughout the layouts.

    Music won't play no matter what I do. I tried:

    on start of layout >play music

    on start of layout >preload >play music

    on any click >play music

    on any click >preload >play music

    on object clicked >play music

    on object clicked >preload >play music

    cursor is over object >play music

    cursor is over object >preload >play music

    My music files are OGG, less than 10 minutes long, and I tried both the Sound folder and the Music folder. What am I doing wrong?

  • Any help is appreciated :)

  • Is there a way to do the following?

    on start of layout >play music

    And is there a way to make music play across all the layouts, not just for one layout?

    I looked at tutorials and the manual, but no dice.

  • Add variable monstersSlain.

    Everytime you kill a monster add 1 to that variable.

    When monstersSlain equals 12, go to layout 2 and setmonstersSlain back to 0.


  • Is there a way when, after destroying X amount of monsters, the layout can change to a new layout? Such as if the player killed 12 monsters, the layout would swap for another layout?

  • There isn't any explosion spawning associated with player destroyed in your event sheet, only with bullet or monster destroyed. Duplicate of objects should only appear when you hit "clone" or sthg like that, could you detail a little more ?

    Thank you! I don't know what "clone" or sthg are, but, when I start the game, the player automatically starts spinning whenever I move in any direction. The same goes for the monsters.

  • My player won't stop spinning.

    When player hits monster, player vanishes - no explosion.

    When I create a new object, a second object appears in the layout, for example, text2 or monster2.

    Help? Thank you in advance for any help!

    Game screen:

    Event sheet:

    Edit: fixed score, working on other problems too.