nickkname's Forum Posts

  • It sounds like a double-trigger problem - although they shouldn't happen for such inputs like mouse/touch events they clearly can and do on some platforms / browsers. The way I've settled into getting around this is to have a variable like "Time_Next_Input". At a trigger-input event I set it to add 0.25 sec to Time_Next_Input. The trigger events have a condition to check that time<Time_Next_Input for any subsequent events to take place. That usually does the trick - I hope that this makes sense?

    The touchstick problem sounds like it might be a driver compatibility issue. If you use the Windows own driver then try installing the manufacturer's own software and driver; conversely, if you already have the manufacturer's software installed, try uninstalling it and then letting Windows find its own driver (if it can) when you plug the device in. A different but still compatible driver might fix the problem. A free program Revo Uninstaller can save hours of headache if you need to uninstall bespoke manufacturer programs. Hope this helps!!

    So I make the variable time_next_input, add it as an action to an event as >add 0.25 sec to the variable, then add the condition that 0.25 sec has passed?

    Also, if touch uses mouse input, could I use touch in place of the mouse? Or would I not be able to use mouse with just the touch object?

    I don't know a thing about drivers, sorry.

  • I just turned off mouse input for the touch object and the layout problem is fixed now.

    I'm still having a problem with the touchstick controller.

  • Regarding the changing layout problem: it's difficult to guess what might cause this, but here I am having a go anyway so I hope I don't waste your time.... It seems possible that the click/touch event is either firing twice or registering on a subsequent layout, causing this mayhem. Add a time check variable to your events so that you delay checking for a second click until, say, 0.25 sec has elapsed from the previous.

    I cannot help with the other problems - sorry!!

    No time wasted.

    By time check variable, do you mean something like:

    number variable

    if click, add to variable 1

    if variable = 1, go to layout?

  • I have a three-layout manual which is navigated by touch or mouse (it supports both touch and mouse). When I click on the manual link in the main menu to go to the first layout of the manual, the first layout will appear for a split second, then show the second layout. When I click on the second layout, the game skips the third layout to take me back to the main menu. You have to click on the first layout to go to the second, the second to the third, and the third to return to the main menu. But I don't click on the third layout, and I don't know why the first layout only appears for a second. I don't even have time to click on the first layout before it goes to the second layout.

    Another brief glitch (which seems to be fixed) is that pictures in the manual would compress horizontally and expand vertically at random today. I changed the pictures' sizes, and the glitch seems to be fixed. But I just wanted to let Scirra know.

    Lastly, having trouble with my touch-stick controller. The game is a vertical platformer. Everything is at the bottom of the layout, and everything except the controller - which is in a HUD layer with 0,0 paralax - appears on screen despite not being in the project window (the dotted rectangular). Can I expand the project window so it includes the whole layout? What can I do?

    I'm using r178 (64-bit), Firefox 31.0 and Windows Vista. Graphics card is up-to-date.

  • Virtual controls are big point of debate in mobile games - I fall into the camp that finds them terrible.

    The most popular mobile games (Angry Birds, Temple Run, Flappy Bird, 2048) have intuitive, simple controls; it might be worth thinking about an alternate control method.

    For example, the endless runner genre gained popularity among developers as it reduced a platformer game to a simple 1-2 button idea whilst retaining the skillset required.

    This video might be interesting:

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    Mobile games in general are terrible, but I think it's partially to do with the mobile industry. If they gave more support to games, better games would be made. Not that lazy devs wouldn't still be lazy, mind you.

  • The only form of physical feedback offered by mobile devices is vibrate. I doubt it would feel appropriate. there any alternative to physical feedback than?

    Like, I'd prefer the player to not have to either a) look back and forth from stick to gameplay or b) move their thumbs too far up when pushing the stick up. That way they can focus on the game, not cover up the screen with a thumb, and not have to worry about if they're using the stick right.

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  • Are you trying to get the controller to receive feedback from the game? Like, are you looking for the stick to become physically limited in how far it can be pushed when your player is up against a wall?

    or are you looking for something similar to a rumble pack?

    I think physically limited, but so the player can feel the limit.

  • I've forgotten the term, but it's where you feel the controls in the game - like when you push up against the wall, you can feel the wall pushing back in your hands. The term is erogetics or something. It's synonym is kinetics-something.

    This arcade stick tutorial is great: ... ers/page-3

    But what it lacks is that feel, so that just by feeling, you can tell the stick can't escape its bounds. Visually the stick does this, but not with feeling. I think the feeling is necessary, so people can play a game without pushing their thumbs too far up or down, left or right, in moving the stick.

    So, how do I make the joystick feel?

  • Another bug, same info (OS, browser, Construct version): whenever my hero touches a platform, the game shakes. He has an invisible animation sprite, so I don't know why this is happening.

  • Objects in different layers don't touch each other unless one object in one layer is attached to another object in another layer, and the game isn't suppose to shake when I touch platforms. So why the fire object is touching the platforms and why my hero makes the game shake when he touches platforms is beyond me, I consider it a bug at this point.

  • Object in foreground touches object in main layer

    Capx includes platformers and a rising sea of fire, a la vertical platformer

    1. Run game

    2. See how the fire in the foreground touches the platforms in the main layer

    Whereas the fire should pass over the platforms since it's in the foreground

    Browser: Firefox

    OS: Windows 7 Vitsa

    Construct r172

  • The fire object is on the uppermost layer, but keeps getting stuck on the bricks on the lower layer - though it's not connected or pinned to anything.

    When I encountered this, I added another object and then set the fire to it and pinned it to. But that didn't fix anything. So then I put a layer between the fire's layer and the brick's layer, but that didn't work either.

    EDIT: Testing platforming out, and whenever I land on a platform, the entire screen shakes. My hero has a sprite and invisible animation block, so it shouldn't be happening. What's going on?

  • Well it´s pretty easy to do with a i guess there is not really any need for it...

    Well, nevermind than.

  • How about a behavior or condition that simulates a Solid, so objects aren't solid except when disabled. For example:

    • Solid only for specified objects
    • Solid only during loops

    That's as far as I've gotten for ideas.

  • Whenever I move a sprite to a lower layer (the background), it goes invisible. Just invisible, because I can still touch it on the higher level (the main level) when I shouldn't be able to. Right now, as examples, I have the poker chips and a donut in the background. Here's the capx: