newt's Forum Posts

  • Evil spam bot technology is advancing at a rapid pace. Why someone would click on his sig is beyond me.. Who would actually buy something like clothing or jewelry from a sig link... Futile spammers. I'll keep an eye out for this sneaky bot.

    Well the spamers usually don't own those sites, they are just using some sort of affiliates program.

    Talk about evil.

    The site owners can deny all responsibility, and the spamers can simply create a new account even if the site owners were to terminate the account for violating tos.

  • I've had no issues, other than it not working when the octaves, and frequency were set too high.

    But that's only when the size was set low.

  • > It's alright, I don't mind answering questions!


    Then why are you ignoring my PM?

    Ok, now that's funny.

  • Why not both?

    I know people probably get tired of me touting the benefits of distort maps, but the thing is its just so versatile.

    I recently realized that its possible to take an image like this:

    <img src="">

    And make an entire map out of just the one image using a distort map.

    Then for collision detection, you could just paste the sprite into the canvas and update its collision mask.

    Of course you would only want to make a simple background out of it, and creating an editor would be quite an undertaking, but the benefits would be very nice. The map could be just about any size, and your ram would be that of the the one sprite, and canvas. Once the map is generated, you could destroy the sprite.

  • Ok figured out something I was doing wrong. Instead of doing is even, or is odd on just y, I should have had it set to x, and y.

    I've also had an epiphany. You could actually have several textures all on one sprite, then set u, and v based on the noise that was generated. Although the math for that is a bit much for my feeble mind.

    But imagine an almost infinitely scaleable map, with as many textures as you please. Land, trees, water, all in semi 3d, and all taking the ram of just the one sprite!

  • Either my understanding of how U, and V work, or how to implement a tiled texture on a distort map, using either a loop, or array is wrong.

    In the cap here:

    perlin noise plug here:

    I've tried to set the u and v coords with the thinking they are either one of two, then the rows are even or odd.

    In a distort map set 4 columns/ rows it would start like this:

    0,0 |1,0 |0,0 |1,0 for the first row


    0,1 |1,1 |0,1 |1,1 for the second.

    And then making a bigger map should be fairly straight forward following the formula:

    (y is even or odd, then a variable is either 1 or 2)

    Well apparently not, in the cap I've tried it in a loop, and an array with limited success, but it's far from being right.

    If any one would like to take a look at it and see if they can figure out what I'm doing wrong I'd appreciate it.

    Keep in mind you need the perlin plug to open the cap.

  • Ok, well that's simple enough.

    First I thought zeropad would give me to the ones position, and I could just compare to 2,4,6,8,0, strangely enough zeropad only pads with zero's... imagine that.

    I even thought of using len and then converting it back and forth from a string.


  • Again, loving the sounds.

    Is the music your own creation? And if it is how are you doing the vocals...VST plug perhaps?

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  • Um yeah thought it might be nice to be able to pick based on whether a number is even or odd.

    Unless there's some simple way I'm just not seeing.

  • Sorry to bring this old thread up, but Mipey's example answered a question on arrays for me.

    That being if the for each condition cycled each z. Apparently it does.

    It's also a good example of the order for which each is called.


  • Well Im using a distort map set higher than 2 columns/rows, plus z heights. What Im wanting is more like 50.

    The problem is arranging the quadrants within the loop, or I should say loops.

    In a loop you first define the distort maps size.

    50 in this case so 49 columns/rows.

    That also gives me how many steps x, and y wise.

    Within a nested loop its:

    For x= 0 to 49

    for y= 0 to 49

    >distort map set relative displacement at loopindex(x), loopindex(y)

    The problem is for each x,y step I have to set u, and v to one of four quadrants 0,0| texture size,0 | 0,texture size | texture size,texture size.

    So I either need to add two more loops or devise a way using private variables.

  • Egad making a tileable texture using loops is going to be a nightmare!

  • Ok question.

    Thus far everything starts with zero. Should U, and V in the above example start with zero and end with 127?

  • Perhaps, a plug, or third party program, like the mesh editor? One that was made to speed up making polygons. Then you could just import the mesh's, then for collision detection you could just use a canvas like my example above.

  • Thanks, that helps a lot. I think the thing that was screwing me up was the zeros, that and always confusing u and v. Then how each only represents one row/column.