newt's Forum Posts

  • Heh, yeah we've all done that before, don't feel bad. It's easy to miss when your first starting out.

  • The physics behavior generates its map at the beginning of the layout, so if you change a size of a sprite after that it will still use the original dimensions.

  • I found a new one

    When zoomed in the camera wont scroll all the way to the edge of the layout.

    Cap file if needed:

    That happens for a reason. I mean the camera should not be allowed to go beyond the layout should it?

  • Cool

    [quote:10pbclta]A minor update to fix some small issues. This is a candidate to become a new stable build to replace the current website build 0.99.42.

    Last build was pretty stable.

  • Well David did say something at one time about making some kind of vertcie object. It could have the speed of particles while having the ability of collision detection, but less abilities than a sprite.

  • Your example probably would be taxing on most low end machines, but probably less for the amount of objects, and more for what they are doing.

    Still most machines should be able to run something similar. It didn't seem to me that there was much over a thousand objects at a given time there.

  • Still there could be some optimization on that. I mean if you get hit by 50 things at one time, who cares which one hits last. Also your formula 2 bullets per frame seems a bit off. The frame rate would vary widely across different machines... unless that's including timedelta.

  • Do you really need all those objects? The particles object is much better at producing... well particles, and it seems that's kind of what your wanting. Keep in mind you cant do collision detection on the individual particles.

    Speaking of which can I use photoshop png's with transperacy values? When I copy pasted from photoshop I had a white background so maybe I need to import/open it in the sprite editor instead of pasting but I havent tried it yet.

    Um..I dont think you can paste from the clipboard. You create an object, that in turn generally opens up the editor. From there you can import your .png's, .bmp's, .tif's... pretty much everything except .gif's

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  • I will bust a gut laughing when the bots start posting ascii art.

  • Actually...

    Yeah that does work. Silly me I didn't even think you could use decimals.

    Ok yeah that's a reasonable solution, especially given what they would probably have to do to change it.


  • *facepalm*


























  • Currently when you scale a sprite it also scales the distort map, or mesh associated with it. That's expected. In fact this allows you to create tiled maps to any scale. The problem is it also scales the z height. So my question is would it be possible to have the option for z heights not to scale with the sprite?

    In this example:

    The sprite with the z heights is only 64x64 pixels, but is scaled to the layout width of 3000x 3000.

    The maximum z height of the unscaled sprite is only 3, but as you can see when it's scaled those z heights go up as well.

    Also note the collision detection is affected(somewhat) by the scaled z heights.

    edit: also note the ram on this is about 0.3 megs, with no slow down except for the start of it where it gets mapped.

  • Cool, thanks again lman.

  • Just yanking your chain Ash, we all know you've got a full plate, and whats been done is incredible.

    Anyways, back on topic, would it be possible to fill shapes on a canvas?

    You wouldn't need a function to draw polygons, the user could do that, but if it was possible to fill all pixels from a point within the poly then stop when all contiguous pixels are found.

  • linkman2004

    I think I found what was causing that bug with the bones disappearing. It seems if you resize one of the bones and then pull the control point over where they connect, they disappear.