I've attached an example that uses the 'for each element' Array condition. In order to output a certain index only (the first Z layer), add a condition that compares the Array.CurrentZ to the index you want. Remove that condition and it'll display the whole table.
It seems that Array object is still 0-indexed... Is this intended? I was under the impression that this was changed to 1-indexed.
- [CHANGE] Array is now 1 based; if you use Array in a project please review and update your events accordingly
This obviously isn't true in our case.
Also, your example should work, but it apparently doesn't, which should be considered a bug. The 'for (n)" aren't at fault here, it is the Array condition that is not doing its job. The Array - Compare value at X,Y,Z appears bugged, you could use the X,Y or X variants instead. I will report this to the tracker.
So, in your case, it would be:
+Trigger Once
+For "x" from 0 to 99
+For "y" from 0 to 99
+Array - Value at LoopIndex("x"),LoopIndex("y") equal to 0
List: Add "Yes"
But that is redundant, since "for each element" array condition does the job just fine as shown in my example.
Also, use "Trigger Once" system condition so the event should evaluate once only; by itself it will keep triggering each tick.