SpongeBrain's Forum Posts

  • That's a shame.

    I know that Construct is primarily aimed at game programming, but with the GUI elements in there too, it can be quite useful for mocking up Windows apps for testing.

    I'm finding that more and more, I'm trying to use these GUI for mock-ups, and because of either lack of functionality or bugs, I'm not able to do what I was hoping to do (again, I should stress that I'm talking about non-gaming programming here).

    Maybe they should take the GUI elements out of Construct, so the temptation isn't there to use them.

    Anyway, for this particular project I've gone back to Visual Studio, which is where I should have gone first really.



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  • Is anyone else having trouble with the ComboBox?

    I have no trouble populating it with data, but when it's clicked on, it immediately shuts back up, without allowing me to select any of the contents.

    I've looked at all the options for the object, but I can't see anything that I've missed.

    Is this a known bug?

    I'm using the latest stable build (99.42)

    Also, is there any news on whether we are going to be able to set the font size for the ComboBox and the ListBox?

    I know this has been requested by several people in the past.



  • If I remember correctly, I had to use my googlemail address to register here, because after a few attempts at registering with my AOL account, no activation Email ever arrived.

    Either this board is setup to avoid using certain ISPs, or our ISPs are blacklisting IP ranges that include the Scirra.com address.

    Still, at least you're here now.


  • Yeah, I'm a logitech fan too, but knowing how good the 360 controllers were from using them the last 4 years, I was glad to finally get the PC dongle and 360 pad for my computer.

    So using the 2 pads I have with my 360, I now have 3 pads connected to my PC through the one dongle, which is perfect for multiplayer MAME games.


  • You need to calm down mate.

    As one of the few here who has a 360 controller, I was merely commenting on the frustration of not being able to put it to use.

    It certainly wasn't a complaint, and there would have been a winking smiley after the sentence if it wasn't for the fact that I'm using NoScript in Firefox, and I couldn't be bothered to hit the "allow" button so I could click on the smiley.

    We're all aware that the new build is marked as unstable, and coupled with the fact that Construct is free, there's no room for anyone to complain.

    You were certainly over-zealous in deleting my one sentence post.

    Apologising for your actions and then subsequently backing them up doesn't work.

    You either mean it or you don't. (rolling eyes would be here).


  • Where did my post go?

  • Well, this release installs and runs ok, but anything I try and preview with the build gives the same error message about an unexpected error occurring.

    I was looking forward to giving the Xbox360 controller plugin a good workout, but there's nothing I can do with this build.


  • Hmm.

    Doesn't want to run for me for some reason.

    "Temp.exe has...etc" error message.

    Looks good though.


  • Maybe it's broken

    If only it was that simple.

    It seems that it's a known problem, and a 3rd party solution is the only way forward.

    I've found a program that comes well recommended by 360 controller users, although it's shareware.

    I'm going to give it a go for the trial period and see how it goes.

    For those in the same boat, here's the link:



  • Not sure if this is in the correct forum, but seeing as we're hoping for the controller plugin with 360 controller support, maybe it is.

    Anyway, I finally got around to getting one today, and just like the ones for my 360, it's great, but I'm not happy that the driver doesn't seem to have any dead-zone support.

    I've looked around the Internet for a solution, and there does seem to be a couple of hacks involving 3rd party software, but this is less than ideal.

    So seeing as a few of you on here have already said they have one, I wondered how you managed with the lack of a dead-zone.

    The specific problem is that if a game doesn't offer any built-in dead-zone setup, then the controller is read as being pushed in a direction even if it's only in the first couple of levels of the analogue range.

    EDIT: Just in case it wasn't clear, this is with reference to playing games with it, not writing routines for it, which would be easy.



  • A late reply; setting the cursor during writing has no effect, it's only for reading.

    Interesting, but is there a reason why it's appending the data to the end of his file?

    My first thoughts were to delete the file and create a new one with the new data, but I see that he's already done that, and the old data that was in the deleted file is still written to the new file before the new data is written.

    Sounds like a bug to me.


  • > I agree that Wii may be gimmicky and cheap


    Cheap? its Gamecube 1.5! Seriously its almost the same.

    Lol, exactly.

    The Wii is nowhere near as cheap (price-wise) as it should be.

    Gotta love the Gamecube.


  • It's only Nintendo doing this?

    Don't remember anyone saying it was only Nintendo doing this.

    Oh no! They're adding motion controls! They're being experimental! At least they're daring enough to make the bold steps first for what most likely will continue to be improved in the ages to come.

    The problem is that they sacrificed next-gen graphic capabilities for "advanced" and "ground-breaking" controllers.

    IMO, it's really not worth the inflated price just for the controllers.

    I guess what I'm really saying is that I preferred it when Nintendo poured their creativity into the games they made, rather than the medium they were played on.

    They've created (IMO) a poor console with gimmicks and made it the best selling console of the day.

    Now tell me, how many software companies are going to go out on a limb and try something different, when the money is in dumbing down and shortening the games to meet with their target audiences tastes.

    I find it ironic that Nintendo, the company that led the way with innovative games for years, are now probably responsible for more companies making "safe" and "profitable" games because of the Wii.

    And you're right.

    Microsoft and Sony are following the trend (see, "safe"), and that's the problem I was talking about.

    I'm not saying Nintendo are the devil incarnate.

    They're just a shadow of what they were, although I'm sure their shareholders couldn't give a flying fig for minor details like that.



  • Many people don't like them, but I do. The same way many of the xbox/ps3 owners enjoy their games.

    I think you're missing the point there mate.

    Although what you said is true of fanboys (and unfortunately it's against the law to have them rounded up and pummelled), I think we're talking about people who aren't as insecure as that, and have admired Nintendo over the years for their creativity, without having to pledge allegiance to them just to fit in and have a label for themselves. lol

    For me, Nintendo used to be about innovation and gameplay.

    The SNES was a great machine, with plenty of good games (also had a Megadrive, so calm down fanboys ), but I think Nintendo peaked at the N64.

    Although the Gamecube is a good little machine (my previous post shows I'm playing on one currently), I think it was at this point that the innovation started to ebb, and formulaic game design started to show, closely followed by the gimmicky Wii.

    So let's not assume that anyone who knocks the Wii or Nintendo is a fanboy of another system or company, and that they're just taking the opportunity to join in with the Nintendo kicking.

    It could be that, like me, they have owned and enjoyed all the Nintendo consoles from the NES up to the Gamecube, and genuinely don't like what the Wii is doing to the gaming industry.

    You could liken the Wii to Kylie Minogue.

    Very popular because it's found the ideal market position, and you'd like to have a few goes to see it first hand, but you wouldn't want to take it home and see it every day.


  • deadeye,

    Currently playing Ocarina of Time for the umpteenth time (Master Quest on the Gamecube bonus Disc), and my feelings mirror yours.

    Ocarina was the pinnacle IMO, and each Zelda game has gone downhill since, with Majora's Mask pretty good (and nicely odd), Wind Waker a graphical feast with a lot of gameplay I didn't like, and there was something about the Twilight Princess that just didn't work for me.

    I've never been a fanboy of any kind (Love my Xbox 360, rarely use my PS3, that's just how it turned out), but I've always been a big fan of Nintendo.

    I've had every console of theirs from the NES onwards, but I drew the line at the Wii.

    I borrowed one for a while, and I just find it all too gimmicky and nowhere near as powerful as it should be.

    I've always looked forward to the next Zelda game, ahead of most other games, but I'm not bothered if they released a new one or not, based on two points:

    :: It will be on the Wii, and as such, will no doubt over-use the gimmicky controllers

    :: The chance of a decent, new adventure that contains many difficult puzzles and enemies to defeat are almost zero. The dumbing down of video games to appeal to as large an audience as possible is rampant these days, and I'd say that Nintendo are the biggest culprits here.

    So every puzzle will be accompanied by several obvious clues so that 5 year olds can play it, and every boss will take a fraction of the hits to defeat compared to similar games 5 or 6 years ago.

    Thank god for Gears of War, Half-Life 2, Mercenaries 2, Just Cause, etc.
