SpongeBrain's Forum Posts

  • Thanks.

    I've posted a bug report on the tracker.


  • I believe that is for minimap points/objects rather than the background.

    You're absolutely right!

    I've just checked this, and it works.

    This is why this thread was a good idea.

    That's one "bug" that isn't cluttering up the tracker.

    Cheers mate.


    EDIT: It's a shame that there's a time limit on editing posts.

    I'd like to go back and update the earlier post, showing that it's not a bug, but "User Foo" instead.

    That way, this thread could also be a good source of common problems new users have, and new material for the FAQ.

  • Another image beneath the MiniMap and set the minimap as transparent?

    Yeah, that works...

    ...but there's an option in the MiniMap to load a bitmap directly into it to get the same effect, which doesn't seem to be working.


  • Custom image not working with MiniMap

    I can't seem to get an image to work as a backdrop for the MiniMap object.

    I'm using a PNG file, and I haven't tried other formats yet (will do later).

    Can someone confirm please.


  • I don't know whether the Devs agree, but rather than filling the forums with multiple posts, and the bug tracker with bugs that aren't bugs, it may be a good idea to have a thread like this to allow others to confirm people's bugs before they are added to the tracker.

    As an ex Beta tester, I know this approach can save the Devs a lot of time, with a lot less "non-bugs" appearing on the tracker.

    I'd like to start off with the possible bug that I posted earlier today:

    "On Bounce" not triggering in car behaviour.

    Can someone confirm this please.


  • Up until now, I've been happy to let my car bounce off obstacles, but now I'm trying to tighten the control a bit, I'm looking to rely on the "On Bounce" condition, and adjust the speed/etc when it triggers.

    That would be easy enough to do, but after a few attempts I could see something wasn't right.

    Further tests with a new cap, an "On Bounce" condition and a "Close" to end the app when it triggers, show that the "On Bounce" doesn't seem to trigger.

    So, unless I've missed something obvious, this is broken.

    BTW, I'm using the latest stable build (the Rich Build )


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  • so lemme get it straight

    it inserts values in the array using 1-based, but reads using 0-based?

    That's right, as discussed here:


    It's probably best to leave arrays alone until the next build, and concentrate on something else.

    That's what I'm doing anyway.


  • Don't know if it's been shown before, but I found the "What is Rich" button on the Home tab just as entertaining:

    <img src="http://img6.imageshack.us/img6/795/webs.jpg">

  • Further tests on the current state of array indexing shows something odd.

    Even though we now know that the current build has a bug that means "writing" to an array uses 1-indexing, and "reading" from an array uses 0-indexing, we can't use that knowledge in the meantime to fudge a workaround because the first index seems to be unreadable.

    For instance;

    + Array:Set Size to 8x8x4

    + Array:Set Index (5,5,1) to 91

    + Array:Set Index (5,5,2) to 92

    + Array:Set Index (5,5,3) to 93

    + Array:Set Index (5,5,4) to 94

    creates the array and sets those 4 values in the separate Z indexes.

    Now looking for them in (5,5,n) won't work in the current build, as we know, but we should find them in (4,4,n).

    But if we look in the those 4,4,Z indexes, we find the values 0,92,93,94

    The first index is never retrievable.

    This may be fixed as a consequence of fixing the original bug, but I would like to ask the Devs to check the array functions carefully before the next release, as this may be a new bug.



  • Don't know whether it's an oversight or by design, but when you hide a layer with the progress bar on it, the bar itself does not disappear with everything else on the layer.

    It's not a problem, as you can move the bar out of sight when you need to, but I wondered if it was known.



  • That would open up a lot of possibilities, but to make the most of it, I think we'd need that ability to "PAINT" to that specific spot too.


  • Parts of the Array object were 1-based and other parts were 0-based

    That's what I surmised in my post in the main 0-index vs 1-index thread.

    Don't know if you saw that, but glad to hear that it's fixed for the next build.

    Those bugs are falling one by one eh?

    Incidentally, another recently discovered bug is that the date object returns the year as 109 instead of 09 when you choose a format that has only 2 digits for the year.

    Don't know if it's been tracked yet.


  • Just tried it and it works fine here.

    You can set it's format in the properties bar on the left.

    In my test I set it to DDMMYYYY and then retrieved the date by sending it directly to a text box.

    I did notice that the formats in the list that only have 2 year digits returned the year as 109 instead of 09.


  • Why not SystemMouse and GameMouse.

    They can't be interpreted any other way with those names.

  • I think I've found a bug in the indexing of arrays, as well as a bug with reading a value using "get value at x,y,x).

    See this post for details:

    Basically, the first problem I found was that using "get value at x,y,z)" didn't seem to flag a match when it should have.

    The second problem, and the one more related to this thread, is that it appears that arrays (in the newest 98.8 ) are using both 0-indexed and 1-indexed.

    Try it.

    Set a value in a 3d array like Array(5,5,5), and then search for that value.

    You'll find it in Array(4,4,4).

    My tutorial will have to be put on hold until this is sorted, because the goalposts seem to keep moving.