SpongeBrain's Forum Posts

  • On further investigation, it appears there is a tiny dot in the Minimap, but due to the size of the game screen (1024x768), the size of the Minimap in the bottom left corner of the screen, and the large size of the whole level, the dot is almost invisible.

    I've sort of cracked it by adding an invisible icon behind the player position, and drawing it as terrain.

    I did intend to zoom the layer with the Minimap on, so that I could zoom in to a better looking Minimap, but there appears to be a bug with the Minimap on a zoomed layer.

    It doesn't render as it should when the layer is zoomed at 200%, but at 100%, the Minimap now works perfectly.

    Do the Devs consider this a bug with the Minimap, or just that it's being used outside it's intended scope of use?

    Of course, a Zoom function built-in to the Minimap would remove the necessity to zoom the layer.


  • I mentioned this last week.

    Glad to hear that it's been looked at.

    It happens 100% of the time for me, so I've had to leave animations alone for now, and concentrate on other things.

  • I've only just got around to using the minimap in build 98.7, and from the posts that I've read, it seems to have worked ok in previous builds.

    So unless I'm missing something obvious, it simply a case of placing the Minimap on a separate non-scrolling layer, and plotting the objects you want displayed every tick.

    The "window" box shows up ok, and is scaled correctly to represent the area of the level being viewed by the player, but no plots show up.


  • .....especially since the 3D box object doesn't support animated textures

    Or rotating layers.

  • Cheers guys.

    Bug reported.

    andla, I'd still like to hear whether it really did work for you, or whether you hadn't understood what it was that wasn't working.

    This will help determine whether the bug is system specific, or the same for everyone.


  • Don't understand the bug/problem. It is working fine for me. Kind of liked the demo also.

    Well, for me, whenever I have gravity set to "Up" (pressing the NumPad 8 key), I cannot move left or right with the arrow keys, but when gravity is set to "Down", "Left" or "Right", the arrow keys move the character left and right along the wall that gravity deems to be the floor, as it should do.

    Can you confirm that you can move left and right when Charlie Brown is upside down, and walking on the ceiling?

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  • Yep, getting the same error here too.

    The difference here is that I get it EVERY time I try to add an extra animation to the panel.

    The computer has been on all day without a restart, with 3D Max, Photoshop CS3, Visual Studio, and a few others running, so maybe restart may be in order (I'll post again if it makes a difference).

    Also, once it has given the error, the app crashes completely within a few seconds.


  • Attachment for this problem now available in the Uploads forum.


  • Here's a cap file that demonstrates the bug with the Platform Behaviour when you set Gravity to "Up".

    Use the NumPad direction keys to set the direction of Gravity (2,4,6 & 8) and use the left/right arrow keys and Shift key to test the left, right and Jump of the Platform Behaviour in each Gravity setting.


  • When selecting "UP" as the gravity direction, the left and right controls of the platform behaviour stop working.

    When gravity is "Left", "Right" or "Down", the controls work perfectly, but not when gravity is set to "Up".

    The jump button of the Platform behaviour works in all 4 directions.


  • Just a further note on this.

    The physical presence of the block on the layout seems to be correct, as objects treat them as obstacles when hitting them, it's just that they aren't in view because they've disappeared off the screen.

    Also wondering if the Dev's have any thoughts on this problem, and whether it's something that going to be looked at/something that's worth them fixing.

    If not, I'll concentrate on other projects, because the 3D Boxes are important to the look of the game.


  • I've mentioned this in a post in the feature request forum, but seeing as it may get lost as a possible bug in there, I thought I'd create a thread for it here.

    I've also submitted a bug report for it.

    When rotating a layer with a 3D Box on it, the 3D Box doesn't not behave as it should.

    To reproduce it, place a few sprites on a layer, place a 3D Box next to them, and then rotate the layer.

    To me, it looks like it's either using another co-ordinate system, or it's just not being associated with the layer in the rotation code.


  • I've had another good look at the 3D Box object, and as far as I can tell, there's definitely a problem with how the 3D Box moves on a rotating layer.

    I'll log it as a bug.


  • I'm not sure what you mean by this - you can resize the 3D box normally to change the width and height... have you looked at the Z and depth properties as well?

    Hehe, as I said, I hadn't looked at the 3D Box in any detail, just placed a couple of them and based on comments on here, it sounded like it didn't have any of these functions.

    Having looked at them in more detail, they are very versatile already, and will be perfect for what I had in mind......except....the 3D Box doesn't seem to rotate correctly with a rotated layer.

    If you place a few sprites on a layer, and a 3D Box on the same layer, and then rotate that layer, the 3D Box seems to be on a different co-ordinate system to the rest of the layer.

    Is this a bug, or have I missed a setting somewhere?


  • Hi guys.

    First post (finally managed to get an Email address the forum would accept).

    I've been working on a couple of games with Construct, both using the ability of rotating layers, and I've come across a couple of feature requests that would come in useful.

    The first game, a gravity-driven ball game, would benefit greatly from 360 degree direction control of the gravity, rather than the current Up, Down, Left and Right options.

    In fact, this game probably won't be possible without it.

    The second game, a top-down driving game, could really use more features with the current 3D Box.

    I'm not sure if it's already possible (as I haven't really looked into this in any depth yet), but would it be possible to have different lengths, widths and heights selectable with the 3D Box?

    Also, but not as important, would it be possible to set the height at which the 3D Box sits in the scene?

    I know that it's been stated by the Devs that Construct is not aimed at producing 3D games, but I think that these few extras will add a lot of versatility to the 3D Box item.

    I'd also like to take this opportunity to applaud the Devs on Construct.

    Although I'm a C++ programmer, I'm always on the look out for ways to speed up development (like MMF2 and Ogre), and I think Construct is a great tool.

    If you manage to get a stable 1.0 out the door, then you can expect a donation from me.

    That's enough from my first post.

