Just dropping some observations here...
Display size: 1024x768, unlimited FPS mode
a) Tiles
32x32 sprites in 32 columns and 24 rows, total of 768 instances.
VRAM usage: 0.00 MB (minimal)
FPS (after a few seconds): 720-750
Observation 1: Painful to work with (try moving 768 objects around in layout). PROBLEM: Prone to crashing with this amount of objects on the layout. May consider creating these at runtime instead (might increase loading time a bit, but hey.)
Observation 2: FPS takes a slight dip the more different frames are shown by tile sprites. Faster to render same textures than different ones, anyway.
Observation 3: This method may work better for dynamic tile replacements.
b) Canvas
1024x768 internal Canvas resolution (fills the whole display)
VRAM usage: 7 MB (for the canvas object alone)
FPS (after a few seconds): 800-810
Observation 1: After pasting the sprite in tile manner and thus populating the canvas with varying textures, the frame rate took quite a dive (down below 400 FPS) and the VRAM usage is at 14 MB.
Observation 2: Perhaps the best choice for static tiled terrain.
Will post more as I test some more. I will be experimenting with various tile engine options.