newt's Forum Posts

  • Not all the behaviors use the solid attribute. So if your using a behavior that doesn't use it, or a custom movement, you will have to create your own on collision event.

  • Have you tried not using timedelta?

    Something like:


    sprite set position to mousex, mousey

    I think there will always be some issues using the mouse behavior, especially since the actual cursor is not confined to timedelta. On the other hand your going to get some "skipping" if you dont use timedelta, especially with a sprite so big.

  • If your using the rts behavior, the simple answer is to use the action "select object to avoid".

    Its not perfect, but if you set the cell size correctly it works fairly well.

  • Looks sweet

  • Confirmed

    Its already known that OR is buggy, might post the cap to the bug tracker, cause I have no idea why there is an a4. On a side note there is nothing wrong with using the no OR way, I mean in essence there really is no difference... just a few more lines that say the same thing, and couldn't possibly take more time.

  • Again search the forums. If you had you might have guessed that something like this was best left to a plugin.

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  • You know there is a search function for the forum.

    There is also Google it helped me come up with this..

  • First add the object, and a window will pop up, or double click the object in the panel.

    You then click the button at the bottom to "add period". Each period has a delay, and a start time, as well as with previous, and after. With will start as soon as the period above it is started. After will start after.

    On the event sheet you trigger what period you want to start first and choose what you want to happen within the period.

    This is just the basics, do a search in the forum, I think there is an example in uploads.

    You may also want to check out the timer behavior.

  • You could also use timescale, as long as your cut scenes don't use timedelta, and the player movement does.

  • perhaps someday someone Could recreate the event sheet editor language to create irrlicht or ogre commands (to continue using python you can use Pyrr with irrlicht), this would also solve the problem of using only directx. i am currently creating a game while learning irrlicht and it would be my suggestion

    As I understand it python cant draw to the window.

  • I can understand when people try to emulate old style pixel type games, but this is just ridiculous.

  • I'll just leave this here....

    Note you need the perlin plug

    Warning it eats up ram from the array..., I'll change it to loops later.

    Any way this really isn't a challenge, given the rts, and line of site plugs.

    [quote:33beue9b]In this case, though, Construct does effectively solve the problem for you

    Edit yeah what he said

  • Sagal

    Yeah thats just the intro, Ill put something there later, directions, etc.


    [quote:2oc3siub]but it's kind of hard to tell what you can and can't fly over untill you hit something. Perhaps some sort of visual marker on your hills, like a texture of a treeline, or snow, or something like that to indicate that that part of the hill is too high to fly over.

    Its Mars... not much I can do texture wise, I might change the color filter a bit to compensate. The mini-map is there to help, kinda.

    [quote:2oc3siub]I run into it at the red line, like the collision is off or something.

    There's going to be a few places where its off, because of the way I'm generating the map. What I really need is something less than pixel perfect detection,..... some sort of semi transparent interpolation. I'll see if I cant adjust that a bit more for now.

    [quote:2oc3siub]I agree with PR that the enemies are too hard

    Yeah a little less hp, speed, fire rate, it's all adjustable. Those are basically set up like a mini boss tho.

    [quote:2oc3siub]Also, the sound of the gun is really too harsh, especially when holding it down for rapid-fire. I found it to be a bit grating on my nerves.

    Yeah, a little less volume then?

    [quote:2oc3siub]The AI on the enemy ships isn't bad, but it is kind of odd to see them always pointing directly at the player, especially when the player crosses over them and they flip around suddenly.

    It'll make more sense when I add some more particles for boosters on the sides. There's an issue with custom movement where you cant pick individual object multiples with the behavior expressions, IE get speed etc. Dunno I may have to loose the behavior and make my own events up.

    Thanks for the input all, keep it coming.

  • Thanks!

    I wanted to have the craters in it so I couldn't have negative z's, plus I was thinking of possibly adding ground units, and they would have to be on a flat surface. I have been toying with the possibility of having some negative z's along with some flat areas, and I could possible make some craters via heightmaps as you suggested, but getting the texture just right is a pain.

  • Might be uber cool for some background, and effects... o-0 explosions.

    Any chance of collision detection?