newt's Forum Posts

  • I'm talking about placing meshes next to each other like a tile map. If you place one right after another, you will get a line where the background shows through. It has something to do with 3d layering, not sure if its a bug tho...

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  • Yeah, each row/column is what 4 vertex's, so even 60x 60 was pushing it. You can add multiple meshes, but,......and its a big but, they wont line up even if the z heights are the same.

    Your best bet is to stretch the mesh, and then apply a different texture to it, but you will need a z multiplier, since z scales with the mesh.

  • Yeah that will work, ....even simpler with an array.

    + Array: For Each element
    -> Sprite: Set relative displacement at (Array.CurrentX-1, Array.CurrentY-1) to XYZ(0, 0, ImageManipulator.GetR(Array.CurrentX-1, Array.CurrentY-1)) UV(0, 0) 100 % [/code:3cig86vh]
    Ok perhaps not as simple to figure out for those who have trouble with 0 based stuff, but ehh..
    Keep in mind you would still need a third loop if you want to do some comparisons, like applying a color filter to a certain range, etc.

    and displacing a different sprite instead of the heightfield pretty much gives you textured 3D backgrounds.

    Wohoo! Now we can talk about something else

    All you have to do is change the frame after wards, unless you want to export the mesh.

    Also, I might point out, that this doesn't have to be just for grayscale. You could use this for bumpmapped, or baked maps(aka normal maps) as well, by adding a green loop, and a blue, but of course it would take much longer to process.

  • [quote:3uw63gew]i agree construct is a 3d game creator, but a little bit of model loading and rotation control using an xyz vector on those imported models, would open up alot of possibilities to add 3d "sprites" to 2d gameplay.

    Not to mention the need for getting 3d world coordinates. I mean you can take a sprite, distort it in to a 3dish terrain. You can even skew that so that you can view it from another perspective besides top down, but setting up movements on that skewed map is another bowl of worms.

  • Sure no problem.

    And here's a cap

  • Just a uber simple way to generate a mesh from a height map.


    This uses Image Manipulator, so its a bit too slow to be used all the time.

    Also note Image manipulator is a bit quirky... The image must be resized, and flipped to work.

    Plus this sets the distort map to 60x60, and that's pushing its limits. Finally its set to check values from 0 to 255... 100 is supposed to be max, 255(pure white) will be off screen.


  • [quote:2wb9vg16]I do agree that meshes WOULD work better, and ultimately look better. But unless someone can come up with a way to convert height maps to mesh files (which would IMO be the best method of "modeling" mesh files in construct), then for what I need, a shader like requested is still probably the only way to go.

    Here ya go.... ****** host... is ******* so here's the direct link

  • Yeah lets go green, and recycle events.

  • That is very elegant.

  • The process is usually called Temp.exe in your task manager.

    Post a cap?

  • Perhaps for small tasks like setting up fx. What would be really cool is something like this used to set up timelines, hell why not take advantage of the connection lines, and make a path object out of it.

  • 4)

    Yes it can be done, you just have to optimize your images, and load them externally.

    Yes it will be larger, but but given the alternative..... Not saying we shouldn't have one, that's just a work around.


    Noone is going to want to set up the collision mask for an animation that has a lot of frames.

    You can, however make a dummy sprite rather easily.

  • 1) C2 Construct 2

    2) C2

    3) C2

    4) Sprite animation (Load frames)

    5) Sprite animation (As in how do you do that with?)

    6) Vertex Object... and several new behaviors.

    7) Yeah pay to play, see 4)

    Zip's and appath& is your friend, probably have to see some big projects before thats done.

  • + Sprite: On step

    -> Sprite: Push out of Sprite2 : Normal (use for slide)

    -> Sprite: Apply friction of 0.5 to speed

    + MouseKeyboard: Key Right arrow is down

    -> Sprite: Accelerate horizontal speed : 100

    (orientation 45 degrees)

    + MouseKeyboard: Key Left arrow is down

    -> Sprite: Accelerate horizontal speed : 100

    (orientation 140 degrees)

    Where Sprite is the player, and Sprite2 is the terrain.


    You could make a Sonic type of game out of this by figuring out a way to adjust the orientation.

  • Platform:

    a raised flooring or other horizontal surface, such as, in a hall or meeting place, a stage for use by public speakers, performers, etc.

    a horizontal surface or structure with a horizontal surface raised above the level of the surrounding area.

    a flat, elevated piece of ground.

    Hmmm, perhaps something like a custom movement behavior for this would work.