newt's Forum Posts

  • Some people have just waaay too much free time on their hands. lol

    Also, Thundercats....ho.

  • random(1) would give you a 50/50 chance of either getting a 0, or a 1.

  • Sorry, fixed. Dropbox seems to hate updated files lately.

  • Looks like Rudolph needs to turn his nose on. Its a little dark, and I cant make out much.

  • Just trying to figure out all that's doable.

  • Wut?

  • This is just a thought, would it be possible to set a sprite to start, and end positions like how the line object does? Well that is minus the stretching that would occur. I realize you can set the image point to one end and have the other set angle to the other x,y. Dunno seems like it might make something like this:

    A little easier.

    Also... backflips!


    I got you Aquaria movement right here buddy!

  • Yeah, like whats gonna trigger the event, and are you going to use one of the Windows widgets, or text, or bitmapped text etc.

  • Perhaps its time for a motion capture plug.

    Actually its probably doable now, not with bones, but some tweening is possible.

  • Thing is its already freakishly simple. When you come to a input section all you have to do is click on the system icon, and that brings up all the system expressions. Heck you guys made picking expressions easy. Instead of just saying lerp(), or distance(), it says linear interpolation, and distance between two points.

  • The gradient object has all that built in, fade to transparent, fade to another color, bla, bla, bla.

    Heck if we had a radial gradient you could even do a Warner Bros. title screen.

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  • Its actually pretty simple. The only things you need to figure out are your triggers, and internal messages. Goodness knows Construct gives you a ton of options for that.

    Really the hardest part was figuring out the serverside. You just add a game(don't worry about uploads) then go to the "Manage trophy's" section. Its all pretty straight forward from there.

  • Actually I'm now kinda becoming fond of a 'maths jigsaw puzzle' an equation like:

    clamp( distance( .x, .y, mousex, mousey ), 0, 100)

    can become

    <img src="">

    Which at first appearance looks just like the equation...but with a live preview thing and being able to drag parts around and stuff it might work out nicely.. and the space allows for text distribing what the connector does (eg min, max) ....again just brainstorming the idea ... of course in a sketch form like that it looks s**t but if I made a nice design it'd probably be another story

    Cough intellisense...

  • Here ya go:

    Its actually pretty simple ehh?

    Edit: updated to download external images from a url!

  • I was going to avoid commenting on this "math bad, easy button good" argument, but the thing is what he wants is doable. Given the fact that this is open source, and plugins can be made as simple, or detailed as you want. Unfortunately Psmith, you may never see what you want done, because, well...somebody who is willing to take the time to make a plugin like that will have to learn the math as well.