newt's Forum Posts

  • Might try apply spring force, but it will only work on physics objects.

  • I take it your going to tell us what your talking about later?

  • Again this would easily be solved by the custom movement behavior, bullet on collision with ship, ship bounce.

    Also I don't think the bullets destruction is the problem. The bullet's information is still available, as long as its within the same event.

    If this is just for effect, I would suggest a camera shake. Linkmans camera plug does this quite well.

  • Sure.

    The loop places tiles in 32 pixel increments, so basically its saying don't start setting any tiles until your at least 3 tile widths down.

    Gives you the space to move around in.

    They really should move that one to official.

  • You should take a look at containers.

    All the conditions with pick by value are confusing, when all you have to do is set that instances private variable to a Boolean... off or on. Likewise its container can have its private variable changed since it was placed in the selected objects list by the condition.

    You can then compare that objects private variable, and any instance of that object that meets the conditions criteria will be picked... as well as its container.


    doll on collision with switch

    switch set pv to 1

    oor set pv to 1

    // This is with door as a container to switch//

    //door is automatically picked when switch is//


    switch compare private variable = 1

    do stuff

    //That will pick any instance of the object switch, that has its variable set to 1//

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  • Not much to tell you without more info without, events, etc.

    There is a bug when the object gets stuck inside of a "solid" sometimes.

    Anyway if the bug is repeatable you should always make a report on the tracker.

    ".... all crashes are bugs"

  • Interesting concept.

    Sticky dynamite > Lazers anyday.

  • Using the Perlin noise plug.

    Interesting little tip. You can treat the noise just as you would an image.

    Ever notice when you scale an image by width, but not height, it stretches the content?

    Also added a canvas to deal with the issues of too many sprites.

  • Update:

    Epiphany, crushed.

    Ok figured out something I was doing wrong. Instead of doing is even, or is odd on just y, I should have had it set to x, and y.

    I've also had an epiphany. You could actually have several textures all on one sprite, then set u, and v based on the noise that was generated. Although the math for that is a bit much for my feeble mind.

    But imagine an almost infinitely scaleable map, with as many textures as you please. Land, trees, water, all in semi 3d, and all taking the ram of just the one sprite!

    Seems you cant use multiple textures, its always going to use the whole texture.

  • You could set up an every x milliseconds event, just have to rearrange the events some.

    As to the exporting... you can either study the cap and figure out whats going on, or perhaps someone could come up with a python version.

  • For each object(tower), ordered (every tick).

    By object's(tower) y coordinate.


    Object(tower) send to front.

  • There are times when your going to want to use a little extra space in the alpha channel.

    For instance many fx are only applied to the bounding box, and if you have pixels all the way to the border, it can make it look cut off. Also its useful for using against a collision box, to make it look like the image is hovering, etc.

    But as the previous posts suggest, you should keep p^2 in mind.

  • The gradient object has a built in timer.

  • You don't have to, but yes editing the images to the least amount of empty space is a good idea.

    Saves memory, and you can use bounding box collisions when needed.

    Making them in power of two dimensions is even better.