Sky/Limit (Beta)

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From the Asset Store
Create breathtaking levels with the Adventure Sky Platforms.
  • This is a platformer I took on as a side-project earlier this december. Originally just an attempt to create an engine in Construct similar to Platformerman, this has grown into its own little thing.

    <img src="">

    The game plays simple enough: you destroy blocks with sticky dynamite, collect stars and need to reach the exit before a huge wall of explosions will wipe out the whole level.

    Right now you can just play single levels, a story mode is planned. But there's also the level editor included, so you can try to make your own nailbiting levels.

    It's a bit of a rushed release, for some reason I wanted to have a public beta out before christmas. You can download the current version on gamejolt:


    Two brief videos from the game (rather poor quality sry):

    For more info and explanation of the various gameplay elements check out the included readme file.

    And also Merry Christmas everyone!

  • Interesting concept.

    Sticky dynamite > Lazers anyday.

  • So far I have figured out X is drop a time bomb, and C is jump. I have no idea what the rules of the game are. None at all. Sometimes the bomb detonates a small area, sometimes the entire chain of blocks explodes.

    I think it would have been better to leave the release until after Christmas so you could put some documentation in there.

    Edit - Wooden crates explode and destroy other blocks(At least it looks that way). The alpha level was all I had played before and even with this new found information I have no idea what to do. Also, can you do anything to restart a level after you have lost aside from exit to the menu? Especially bothersome as you have mouse controls in the menu but not in the game, so every time I die(which is a drawn out process, when all of the blocks explode and I am left falling from the sky until the final explosion arrives) I have to switch back to the mouse to get back into the game. I know I know, alpha release, but it is still really annoying. The game looks very nice mind you. Graphics are clean and cute.

    Edit 2- Ok, it seems falling off the bottom of the screen is a feature and not death.

    Edit 3- A feature that doesn't progress the game. So maybe it is in fact death of some sort.

    I will try it again when there are some controls and rules posted.

  • So far I have figured out X is drop a time bomb, and C is jump. I have no idea what the rules of the game are. None at all. Sometimes the bomb detonates a small area, sometimes the entire chain of blocks explodes.

    I think it would have been better to leave the release until after Christmas so you could put some documentation in there.

    Controls are in the description on Game Jolt. I wanted to make a manual/readme html, but being busy with christmas stuff and a general tendency of laziness kept me from doing so for now. It's fun to figure out stuff on your own anyway, no?

    Also, can you do anything to restart a level after you have lost aside from exit to the menu?

    Press HOME to restart a level. Controls are in the description on Game Jolt.

    will try it again when there are some controls and rules posted.

    Okay, let me describe the basic elements. There are three kinds of blocks:

    Brick - will be destroyed by dynamite/explosions

    Crate - contains dynamite itself, starts a chain reaction

    Metal - indestructable for the player's dyna, but will perish when the time runs out and the wall of explosions rolls in

    Other elements of the game:

    Mines - basically a pack of dyna with a movement detector. Come too close and it'll blow up.

    Stars - as mentioned you have to collect them. Stars stay still as long as theyre sitting on the ground, but they will start bouncing around otherwise.

    Exit door - reach it to end the level

    Especially bothersome as you have mouse controls in the menu but not in the game

    That's not the case. You can control the menu with arrow keys and X just fine. When you have the mouse over menu elements, it will override the keyboard controls though. The only part where you need the mouse, is naturally the level editor.

    The game looks very nice mind you. Graphics are clean and cute.

    Thx. And thx for trying the game and giving detailed feedback!

    Interesting concept.

    Sticky dynamite > Lazers anyday.


  • Oh dear, now I look like an idiot. I didn't look for the controls until after I had downloaded it, and gamejolt uses a second page for the downloads...that doesn't have a description.

    The few minutes I have played(with this new knowledge) have been far far more enjoyable than the previous experience. I will try to play some more tonight after work.

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  • It's quite difficult, but still ok. How to finish the Small level?

    I love the explosions.

  • You need slightly more time to react to the mines. They go off way to friggin fast imo. Or you could start them off slow in lower levels and make them quicker in higher ones. And give them some kind of visual clue as to how much time they have, like a number that counts down or a meter that ticks off notches or something.

    As for the whole falling off the bottom thing, not being able to move forward when you're off the top of the screen is a real pain in the **** You can get stuck and not be able to advance in the level because the next platform is too far to drop onto. In my opinion, you should do one of two things:

    1. Don't allow falling off the bottom. Just make it instant death, and instant restart of the level. Since falling means you'll probably have to restart anyway, automatically doing it for the player will cut down on frustration.

    2. Every time you fall off the bottom, you lose a star (or maybe all of your stars?). Counter-balance this by allowing the player to move wherever they want to when falling back into the level. Since the goal is to get as many stars as possible, it's a fair trade off because people wouldn't be able to "cheat" to get past a tough part, but they can still at least finish the level. <-- better option imo

    Also, if the player gets rank 3 or 2, have an option on the results screen to "Retry" "Next Level" or "Exit" (to menu). If they get rank 1, obviously it should only say "Next Level" and "Exit." If they blow up from time running out they shouldn't get any ranking results at all, but a fail screen asking to "Retry" or "Exit." And if it were my game, I'd lock levels until you've beaten them once so you can't skip ahead.

    Just a couple ideas there

  • I see you're reading this right now, so be sure to go over my post again, I made a lot of edits you might have missed on the first page load

  • As for the whole falling off the bottom thing, not being able to move forward when you're off the top of the screen is a real pain in the **** You can get stuck and not be able to advance in the level because the next platform is too far to drop onto. In my opinion, you should do one of two things:

    1. Don't allow falling off the bottom. Just make it instant death, and instant restart of the level. Since falling means you'll probably have to restart anyway, automatically doing it for the player will cut down on frustration.

    2. Every time you fall off the bottom, you lose a star (or maybe all of your stars?). Counter-balance this by allowing the player to move wherever they want to when falling back into the level. Since the goal is to get as many stars as possible, it's a fair trade off because people wouldn't be able to "cheat" to get past a tough part, but they can still at least finish the level. <-- better option imo

    I was wondering if I should just change it so you could move the respawn arrow anywhere. But of course that would make falling down more of a feature, without any penalty (apart from the time you're losing).

    I think your idea of losing a star sounds about fair. I will most likely include it in the next build.

    You need slightly more time to react to the mines. They go off way to friggin fast imo. Or you could start them off slow in lower levels and make them quicker in higher ones. And give them some kind of visual clue as to how much time they have, like a number that counts down or a meter that ticks off notches or something.

    Not so sure about this. I like how the mines work right now. You come too close, see the light turn red and boom. Do you suggest making just the time longer they take to detonate or changing the range within mines detect the player too?

    It's quite difficult, but still ok. How to finish the Small level?

    I love the explosions.

    It's not supposed to be easy.

    Check out one of the videos in the first post, it shows how to beat level SMALL. Thanks for playing!

    Also, if the player gets rank 3 or 2, have an option on the results screen to "Retry" "Next Level" or "Exit" (to menu). If they get rank 1, obviously it should only say "Next Level" and "Exit.

    Yes, good points right there. Was slapping the results screen on last minute before I uploaded the first public release, so something should happen there like you said.

    If they blow up from time running out they shouldn't get any ranking results at all, but a fail screen asking to "Retry" or "Exit."

    Right now Rank 1 is for reaching the exit and collecting all stars. Rank 2 if you don't get all stars, but still reach the exit. And you come in third if you don't reach the exit at all, which means the wall of explosions got you good. Maybe the RESULTS text in the background should say something according to your ranking... like FAIL if you come in third. And WINNER if you finish with all stars.

    And if it were my game, I'd lock levels until you've beaten them once so you can't skip ahead.

    Yes, but right now there is no sense of continuity. Levels don't belong together, that'll be the campaign mode. Single play is just for playing any level someone made. But it should have the campaign levels unlocked for single play once you beat them I guess.

    Thanks for putting so much thought into your comment deadeye! Detailed feedback like that is what's needed to get ahead in development.

  • > You need slightly more time to react to the mines. They go off way to friggin fast imo. Or you could start them off slow in lower levels and make them quicker in higher ones. And give them some kind of visual clue as to how much time they have, like a number that counts down or a meter that ticks off notches or something.


    Not so sure about this. I like how the mines work right now. You come too close, see the light turn red and boom. Do you suggest making just the time longer they take to detonate or changing the range within mines detect the player too?

    I meant just extending the time a little. At least on early levels. You don't want to completely brutalize players right off the bat, let them get used to the mechanics before you ramp up the difficulty. Otherwise you risk them losing interest right away.

    But then again maybe it's not necessary. I think most of my frustration over the mines was the aftermath of not being able to finish the level, and having to exit to restart (I didn't know about the Home key at that point either ). If that part is addressed then the mines might not be so bad.

  • I just uploaded a new beta version(0.34), which includes some of deadeye's suggestions. You can now move the respawn arrow freely.

    The main change would be the use of an encrypted level format, so it won't be too easy to cheat anymore. There's also a documentation file included, which explains the various gameplay elements and has a changelog too.

  • I love the idea of the game.

    Here's a few tips:

    1) Check the hero's movements, you can make them smoother.

    2) More level objects to interact with! The level design is good, but desperately needs MOAR!

    3) Let me press a button and respawn when I want! The time limit is ok, but I have to wait.. Actually I just tried the one button, but yeah it did nothing...

    4) Distance to when bombs blow. Sometimes I try to jump over them or something but they just explode right when I fall.. it's pretty annoying.

    But I bet you had this in mind already =)

  • I appreciate your suggestions, although you might have noticed that this thread is more than one year old and the game already dead in the water for quite some time.

    Regarding 2): If you want more levels, just create them. The level editor is part of the game and can be selected in the main menu.

    Thanks for trying the game still! Eventually it'll make a comeback in a different form some way down the road. In case that happens I'll be sure to remember your constructive remarks.

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