namre's Forum Posts

  • Scirra Re-Construct.

    or Scirra Re-Constructed

  • Works great on Google Chrome, Windows 7 x64.

  • Win7 x64

  • I am now getting more excited for Construct 2. How I wish I could help speed the development. Haha. If only I was good enough.

  • Really interesting. I could see myself pledging for a feature I really really want to have.

    Looking forward to how this one would go.

  • Can't wait for the public preview.

  • I'm using the Object Pairer in Construct and it seems that it can't really pair 3 objects at the same time.

    For example, I have a blue, red, and green box. I want to pair blue and red, then blue and green. Unfornately, after a few test I found out that the pairing doesn't work for blue and green because blue and red are already paired.

    How can I go about this? Anybody have any suggestions?


    *also, pairing are done at runtime. Can containers do this?

  • Here are mine:


    For more details about the game, check out my blog

  • Hi guys,

    So I have this game that uses dynamic scaling as outlined here on this thread. It worked out great but I can't seem to get a screenshot or record a video of the game. It only works when I disable full screen.

    I thought at first it was isolated to the ones that use dynamic scaling but I did some tests and it seems like you can't take a screenshot when a construct game is in fullscreen.

    Is it the same with you guys? Do you know of any way around this?

    Thank you for your time! Cheers!

  • Hi guys, thank you for this tutorial! It really helped me a lot.

    Although there is a problem I have encountered. I found out that you can't really take a screenshot or record a video of your game when it is in fullscreen mode. Is this a problem that is caused by this method alone, or do all construct games run at fullscreen experience this?


  • The platform behaviour does have some sort of frame rate bug in it. I have posted a bug report on it a month or two ago.

    That just might be it. I've been using only but behaviors on my game.

    [quote:12doxilg]Compile two different .exes, and maybe even make a launcher app for them. Might not be viable if your game.exe is huge though.

    I just might do that. Thank you for your tip.

  • Hi guys,

    I was wondering if it is possible to switch from V-Synced to Fixed frame rate modes at runtime, and vice-versa. The reason why I am asking is because I want to have an option where users can set whether they want V-Synced or not.

    I found out that my game runs smoothly on my PC using V-Synced mode but it doesn't on other peoples computers. When I switch to Fixed mode, it then works on others computers but looks choppy on mine.

    Thanks in advance!

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Will there be prizes?

  • I would rather love to play "Being Ashley - Construct the inner demon". Rumors say the Amazing Game Studio is working on it for 8 years now, as it is an exact developer-simulation-engine (incl. physics!), but they never released any screens or videos, so maybe this game was cancelled...

    I heard they kept on improving the game engine to make the demon more life-like than the last. I think they wanted something super realistic like blood flowing from the screen.

  • Finally, a proper game on old people!