We need some way of differentiating from Construct 0.x and Construct 2 - I think just "Construct" would get confusing as hell at this point
Construct 0.x = Construct Zero?
Construct 2 = Construct Duo?
Let's call it "Botox ******** Those seem to be really popular search terms on Google. It's like free advertising.
Let's call it "Botox ******** Those seem to be really popular search terms on Google. It's like free advertising. I probably just called every spambot for miles around to this thread, huh?
Scirra Construct
Scirra Construct 2
What difference does Scirra as keyword make? Consistent #1 rank on Google. Market Construct 2 as Scirra Construct 2 to avoid ambiguity.
Construct digivolve to Construct-too-mon.
It a Digivolution.
Construct-too-mon is the Champion form of Construct.
Scirra Re-Construct.
or Scirra Re-Constructed
Well it'd be like Earthbound:
Mother 1 = Earthbound 0
Mother 2 = Earthbound
COnstruct 8*2-14 XD
Seroiusly: CO2
Construct: Web Edition ... ...
Construct: Web Edition ...
Definitely describes the product well enough.
Oh and yeah, I like CO2 as well Short and sweet, though it would be hell searching for it.
COnstruct 8*2-14 XD Seroiusly: CO2
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
> COnstruct 8*2-14 XD > > Seroiusly: CO2 >
> COnstruct 8*2-14 XD
> Seroiusly: CO2