Hi all,
I've found an interesting site called Fundry. It allows users to pledge money towards the development of specific features.
If you pledge money to a feature, when it is completed, everyone who pledged money is notified. Pledgers can then accept or reject the feature. Then:
- If over half the pledgers accept, everyone's money is paid.
- If under half of the pledgers accept, those who rejected the feature get their money back - but the dev still gets the pledges from those who accepted the feature.
You can read more on the official About page.
You can find the Construct 2 Fundry page here. I think a good experiment would be to run this for a while and see if it works. I suppose it might be nice for you guys if you can pledge money to the development of a specific feature you want, rather than just a general "payment" for Construct 2. And it's a nice extra motivator for devs
I think it would be excellent to get plugin (and exporter?) developers on board as well: a third party dev could propose a plugin (or even a whole exporter), interested users pledge money, then when it's completed the developer can be paid. I think this should be done centrally through the Scirra fundry account to keep it all in one place - interested devs can post up their ideas, then when it's done, I'll send them the pledges that came in. (If you do this get in touch with me first so I know in advance where the funds are going!) This way other developers can make a bit on the side, too, as reward for their hard work.
Anyone can post new feature requests, so feel free to go there now and start making requests and pledging funds if you're interested. Obviously we're still pre-alpha, so this might not really get going till the software is more mature, but I may as well leave it running in the mean time.
How does that sound to you all? A good alternative funding scheme? And possibly making plugin devs happy?