Namelezz's Forum Posts

  • I just wanted to say thank you so much for helping me out!

    Here's how it turned out:

    <img src="">

  • Okay, I got it! It was really silly, really simple. Not efficient at all though.

    I simply made a permanent blur layer I can toggle and manipulate and a new FOCUS layer above it. I add stuff to the focus layer once you "lock on" to a citizen. Bam, problem solved!

  • So, in my game I want to be able to FOCUS on certain things, blurring the background completely and showing only the target in focus.

    I have a blur layer which blurs the entire game (except the HUD) when toggled using a button.

    Let's have an example situation.

    We have a 2D city and you must assassinate a target. You press F and the background blurs out, leaving you and the target focused while the rest of the background blurs away, kinda like Assassin's Creed ( example pic: ... A49ABBE97/ ) You hover over the person you want to follow and press F to "lock on" to the target. Your attacks are now focused on him instead of the others in the area and you can concentrate on him.

    So, how can I track a moving target while blurring the background around him, leaving him in focus? How could I do this? Keep in mind that the PLAYER should also be in focus.

    The idea I have right now is a Blur Canvas, which renders the entire layer in blur, but I have no idea how to go on from here.

    Help, please!

  • I need help with using bone movement for my latest game project. As I'm a complete noob I'll probably need a total guide on them - before, I've used only normal animations.

    There's several questions I need to know the answers for:

    1) How do you make two bones bind together so eg. a hand has two parts work together?

    2) What's up with all these keyframe things? A little help on that?

    3) I need a thorough guide on these.

    Thanks in advance!

  • Okay, see the problem here?

    <img src="">

    About half of the screen is DIRT. That's unacceptable. We need to fix it, I don't know how to, but I assume you do.

    Here's the .cap, could you please take a look and invent a good solution? I tried to make a separate camera, even positioning it above the player - the problem comes when you try to climb the tower upwards. Shift jumps, WSAD to move in the .cap.

    Also, there's an EXTRA PROBLEM that nets you EXTRA RESPECT if you can help me with it.

    There is a sword swinging animation. Sometimes it plays, most of the time it doesn't. Is there an event colliding with it? I've tried everything to fix it and it just doesn't like me.

  • Thanks guys, a LOT! This is why I love this forum.

    I'll tone down the shaders so it runs better. I tested the container method and it works perfectly.

    And yes, I suck at organizing stuff in events Actually I'm looking for a guy to make it a lot easier to work with because I suck at that kind of stuff. I'm a messy Constructor.

  • I need help once again. My marvellous invention that I call "PRE" (Pedestrian Randomization Engine) just failed me! When I finally got up to the point of adding dying pedestrians I noticed that their customized headwear / shirts change places with another pedestrians when I kill them!


    Resolved! Thank you!

  • Hi, I need some help here.

    In my game, the Warrior has two animations related to swinging his sword; one for the Warrior's arm (which isn't playing for reasons unknown) and one for the sword. The problem is that the Warrior doesn't swing his arm even when I define it like so:

    MouseKeyboard: 117 On Left mouse button Clicked

    SwordSet animation to "Basic Slash"

    HeroSet animation to "BasicSlash"

    Sword: 176 Sword: Animation "Basic Slash" finished

    SwordSet animation to "Default"

    The Hero has the "BasicSlash" animation while the Sword has the "Basic Slash" animation. The Hero doesn't play his animation.

    Here's the .cap if you need it to define the problem, because I'm stumped why it doesn't work. ... erGame.cap

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  • If I use this shader to achieve, say, different colored shirts and pants, can each of them be randomized independently?

    So each and every pedestrian would have a differently colored shirt, pants and a varied skin color. That combined to the headwear will make everyone look different.

    And Deadeye, I know about the color filter thing - the thing is, should I make a white shirt sprite separate from the citizen, then attach it to the citizen and THEN randomize its color.

  • My game project is really pushing the limits of people on the screen - there's gonna be at least 400 pedestrians in a layout at once. So too little visual difference makes it hard to make a good feeling of a city.

    I made a small system called "P.R.E" to randomize headwear for each civilian and that made it a little more bearable to watch crowds of people. I toyed with color filters but didn't achieve anything but red lava people.

    Then I realized what Construct really would need: color replacing!

    You can already crop out colors in corners of a sprite, why not replace one color with another?

    I could put specific colored areas to my little townsmen and then randomize the color on their chest to create different colored shirts and pants for every single citizen in my game!

    So please, to make my game wonderfully crowded I need a Replace Color action to the Sprite object.

    P.S, here's how the citizens are doing now: naked, without clothes and only headwear on

    <img src="">

  • Video of my new game: Arcane, Stealth & Power.

  • Hmm, this is turning out to be something!

    <img src="">

    Stabbing the tutorial mentor in the face.

    <img src="">

    Mouse-controlled fireballs!

    <img src="">

    Casting the Essence of Fire, the wizard ultimate spell. Basically opens a portal to the core of the earth and shapes the lava to a thousand fireballs. Lasts 10 seconds. Weeping enemies included.

    <img src="">

  • Hi there! I'm trying to make something innovative, never-before-seen and REALLLY original in Construct (hello Die By The Sword).

    I have a concept of a 2D platformer hack'n'slash with purely mouse-based sword combat. Now there are a lot of issues with it but I've managed to bake a small .cap with the features I want from it only to realize some problems with it. This is what I want the community to help me with.

    I want you to download the .cap, experiment with it and squash some bugs. If not, you can at least try to help me do it.

    1) The sword sometimes lags out of the MouseArea, breaking the system.

    2) It's generally...not that user-friendly.

    3) The movement itself doesn't like people. It lags behind the player sometimes.

    Here's a shot of the .cap:

    <img src="">

    And here's the download: ... faight.cap

    (requires latest Construct version, 99.42)

    A mouse-based swordfighting game has always been one of my dream projects. Please help me make it a reality!

  • Hi,

    I whipped up a window system (J.A.W.S, Just Another Window System) a while back for my game. While the game itself didn't quite survive, the graphics for the UI are worth a small release - so here's a handy sprite sheet to construct your own J.A.W.S windows. It's useful if you're bored with the Windows defaults Construct keeps chugging at you. Use FamFamFam icons ( ) for colorful and suiting icons.

    <img src="">

    Just import the sheet to Construct, crop the three parts of each element separately and start making some menu stuff!

    Personally I've found this sheet very useful as it's a modern and neat look for any kind of dialog box.

  • Yes, the pivot point trick worked! Thanks.

    Now JAWS (Just Another Window System) is even greater