Namelezz's Forum Posts

  • I know I'm not the master of thread titles, so here's an example.

    I'm developing a UI backend to use in my new game (That Namelezz Game), but the HP bar should not shrink from both directions, only from right.

    Here's a screenie:

    HP is 100 - Width is then 100.

    <img src="">

    HP is lost and width is lost - but it shrinks the sprite from both sides!

    <img src="">

    How can I make it so the width only gets substracted from the right?


    Just as I finished writing I just changed the hotspot to the left corner and it worked, nevermind

  • This game is good!

    Cursor isn't visible


    Magnify effects does, that everything is GPU don't support PS 2.0

    But no. 2 -> Is good, that you gave project file into RAR file - I removed this effect.

    Uh, that wasn't necessary. There is an options screen you can toggle things from.

  • Airblast is an exciting new puzzle game in development by Toxic Milk Interactive.

    In this clever game you control a ball by charging gusts of air near it - trying to get it to the goal using as less blasts as possible. After you get the ball to the goal, your score will be uploaded worldwide on the internet so you can compare your high scores with other people. (Online highscores aren't yet implemented).

    The game features (as of 2.10.08):

    � 20+ stock levels with varying challenges

    � A full-blown level editor

    • Rotating and changing size of parts
    • Rotors, collectables, platform pieces and powerups all placeable

    � A menu with options screen, level select, etc

    � Toggleable options such as particles and level theme

    � Addictive, hard yet rewarding gameplay

    You can share your levels with others in the still work in progress Level Sharing Centre.

    This game is being made by Toxic Milk Interactive:

    • SuperV, codes the game mechanics and handles overall the whole game.
    • That Namelezz Guy who does the music, graphics and website shizzle.

    Here's a screenshot for you to gawp at:

    <img src="">

    You can download the latest version here at the official site:

    Comment, criticism and input is all welcome!

  • I get two errors at start:

    Error loading C:\Program Files\Scirra\Construct\Plugins\3DBox.csx (126) - this plugin may not be available![/code:3o3rclg0]
    [code:3o3rclg0]Error loading C:\Program Files\Scirra\Construct\Plugins\Template.csx (14001) - this plugin may not be available![/code:3o3rclg0]
    With this build.
  • Try Construct 3

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  • Well, I'm up for it. The website thing I mean.

    Here's my mockup site I made with Dragory today.

    I'll try and get a good PHP coder to get us some scripts to get this all running.

  • Welp, I finished HL2 (actually a few days ago but whatever). Awesome game. I thought the ending was kinda weak though.

    Anyway, I decided to check out a speedrun of the game, and holy mother of god. I had no idea you could break the game so badly. In the speedrun I watched the dude does all of Ravenholm in under one minute and ten seconds. WTF.

    Check it out here: Direct link to the Ravenholm part (Google video)

    He also does all of Highway 17 without the car

    The ending IS pretty weak but is continued in Episode One and Two. Episode One is a direct sequel that starts RIGHT where HL2 left, but is kind of short and lacks lots of new content. Episode Two on the other hand has lots of more content, new environments and enemies. Totally worth checking out, especially since they're so cheap (EP1 is 10$, EP2 is 15$) and you can get them in a pack that's only 19.99$.

  • Thanks for all the replies! Here's the second version of the example, with stars and an unimplemented dawn sky (if you implement it, be sure to post here for all us others to see) - updated the building sprites up a notch (again, don't use in other projects please ). Stars have a glow effect. Building glow removed due to it almost halving FPS on older computers!

    Edit: Argh, Glow sure is FPS heavy! Here's a hotfix which makes the stars use additive blend instead:


  • Simple Fade tricks can make quite the magical day/night implementations

    <img src="">


    • A day/night cycle of 1 minute 20 seconds!
    • Lamp that turns on and off with the cycle!
    • Some buildings around to showcase the effect!

      (please do not use these sprites in own projects)

    • Particle smokestack for no apparent reason!

    Protip: Combine with weather effects like rain and grey backgrounds to make neat thunderstorm effects!


  • Thanks, now it's good.

    In other news, I made it have my trademark day/night system implementation - which in turn, caused an unfixable Invalid Texture Referenced error. I filed it into the bug tracker so you could take a look at it Ashley, much appreciated.

    Edit: Restarted computer and the .cap worked - can the bug report be deleted?

  • It's movement, but here's the .cap, hopefully explains what I'm after. ... swords.cap

  • I've so far gotten the ground jitter with all my platformer stuff since 0.96 as well

  • How about a Distance condition? If mouse is too far from swordsman then you cant swing.

    Distance? I'm a bit of a newbie with Construct, but yes, that's what I want. That's why I made MouseArea, it's wrapped around the character so that he can't swing across the landscape but only where his hands reach. But I can't for life think of a way to make the sword stop after a distance.

    Also there is no pre-baked "swinging", you use the mouse to swing and hold right-click to rotate the blade. The end of the sword has a damage point that's used to see how much damage you do to your enemies.

  • I know this sounds really dumb but...I'm making a swordfighting system that is controlled with mouse. In order for it to work, the sword should stop moving if it goes over the MouseArea.

    However, I'm probably blind or something, I can't find a way to stop the sword from moving

    Can someone help me with this? It's a simple Sprite bound to a Mouse Behaviour.

  • Good update otherwise, but I can't seem to access my .cap's preview anymore or use the picture editor to draw anything

  • Welp, I messed around a little and now it crashes when I hit a sloped surface.

    Is there any sort of animation issue here?