Namelezz's Forum Posts

  • You're right <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":P" title="Razz" />

    But at least the ability to scale 3D Boxes more by adding support for zero decimals like 0.1 and 0.25 would be nice, seeing as my game's sprites are made small to offer a bigger world to the player.

    Also thanks for all info on the objects <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" />

  • If I remember correctly, you can use the ink effect "erase" to perform the same function as taking pieces out of a landscape. Your sprite is the erase mask, so you can define it with pixel precision.

    But does it affect the collision of the landscape? That is what I need.

  • Some things I'd LOVE to see in Construct.

      Allow zero decimals (eg. 0,50 and 0,25) with 3D Box Depth a 3D Sphere or 3D Cylinder objects to accompany 3D Box (and allow creation of complex geometry)


  • Yeah, you know, in games like Worms, Cortex Command, Liero, Molez, et cetera; they have destructable particle-powered landscape.

    Without spamming 200,000 particles to create this effect, could it be added as a plugin or as a feature to Construct? Like, determine particle sprite, then it makes a flat landscape out of it. When a bullet hits it from a certain direction or some event happens, it could destroy a determined amount of particles at once.

    Would be very useful - if this isn't doable already without considerable FPS loss, that is.

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  • Was making my topdown shooter and noticed that it won't test it.
