I whipped up a window system (J.A.W.S, Just Another Window System) a while back for my game. While the game itself didn't quite survive, the graphics for the UI are worth a small release - so here's a handy sprite sheet to construct your own J.A.W.S windows. It's useful if you're bored with the Windows defaults Construct keeps chugging at you. Use FamFamFam icons ( http://famfamfam.com/lab/icons/silk/ ) for colorful and suiting icons.
<img src="http://www.cubeupload.com/files/947600jawsuisheet.png">
Just import the sheet to Construct, crop the three parts of each element separately and start making some menu stuff!
Personally I've found this sheet very useful as it's a modern and neat look for any kind of dialog box.