Miu3's Forum Posts

  • Site, but steam has sometimes cheaper offers

  • maybe in 5+ years. Let C2 get finished first :P

  • Im not asking for actuall 3D but...

    would it be possible to create a behavior that would sort of behave like this?


    2D games used to have plenty of successful games made in pseudo 3d and it would be especially useful for racing games, shooters, planes or even adventure type of games.

    <img src="http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_Y5mjq4dxax0/S7ApzzuS5wI/AAAAAAAAAK8/MljZegP-RVI/s1600/Louis.PNG" border="0" />

    <img src="http://videogamecritic.com/images/gen/john_madden_football.gif" border="0" />

    <img src="http://www.ohgizmo.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/pilotwings_2.jpg" border="0" />

    Personally I could imagine the behavior make some sprites behave like flat floor and the rest as standing objects in perspective like view, included with option if the sprite rotates towards the players view.

    We have a platform behavior for platform games so why not a pseudo 3D behavior for 3D like games?

    We already got quite a number of behaviors that would work wonderfully with this :)

  • purely awesome R0J0hound! This software should be mentioned in the tools section if it isn't already there :)

  • A pdf export of the event sheet in pdf format would be interesting for educational reasons or when planning the game mechanics without using the whole capx file. You could also just work around and do screenshots of the event sheet to make similar result.

    It would be a interesting feature but personally I don't think its necessary for a game engine like c2. Perhaps making a plugin of that would be doable by a skilled coder

  • looks like a place made for me

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  • The interesting part of this is that there are hundrets of game engines primaly using code and you ask a coding feature over unique event system based C2

  • you must had mistaken this license with some other program :)As far I know, the c2 license stays with you for ever and ever and ever......

  • <img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/5214903/instantscroll.jpg" border="0" />

    personaly I don't feel comfortable with opening the sprite, checking which frame I want and then typing it in the properties to display in the layout...

    Any chance to make two small buttons that help instantly display the next/previous frame with just click of the button?

    It would make things so much faster to set up the frame I want to be shown.

  • Since we can set collision on each tile now, it would be neat to enable animation to them aswell.

    Eather way, iam for animated tiles :D

  • I think many have been playing plants vs zombies enough to get the idea what I was aiming for in this example.

    it tog me forever to make it work and at the end I though ill share this made example to give everyone an idea how to make basic inventory where you put items into inventory by clicking on them and when you click on items in the inventory, they are moved back to their place. Also to avoid gaps, the items in the inventory reorganize themselves.

    Sorry if the descriptions in this file are too confusing...

    File: dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/5214903/GM/inventory.capx

  • Personally I went for the business license right away when I got the opportunity before it raises possibly on the price :P

  • lucid@ as long you know what you doing I got all the time to wait and Im looking forward for the awesome updates :D

  • Hey lucid

    I'm sure you're aware of this, but this is rather concerning...Esoteric Software's product 'spine' seems to be a shameless clone of Spriter. I've been seeing well-known developers tweeting about it! What's the deal there? I'm worried people will start seeing your software as the clone...

    As far I know, Spriter is made as animation program that is accessable for indie developers that wanna do game animations and don't have hundrets of dollars to buy softwares like Toon boom Harmony... and not to be most original.

    can it really be considered as a clone for having features that already exist in other softwares? Despite the pricing, ppl seem to praise Spine over Spriter but then again, I guess they got more ppl to work on it. I still like Spriter better because it has plugin for C2 which has potentional for many objects in the game but I admit that id preffer more easy work with the timeline editing for advanced animations.

  • hello, I had a though that id like to mention and possibly request.

    Sofar the effects seem to be layer based but I was wondering if a feature could be included that would let me pick specific sprites to be effected only? It would be great for masking and object shading effects without effecting further sprites that are in lower layers for example