I don't know if it makes sense, but here's a sincere feedback from a regular C2 user who ***** at math.
The dt guide is very well written, and when you read it, you think(*dt) you understand it. I've read it, I don't know, maybe 50 or 60 times.
But when you have to write tons of events, it would be so nice to have charts you can quickly reference to. Here on the forum, or even better inside C2.
Something like this:
lerp to an angle, use this:
lerp to a position, use this:
lerp to speed, use this:
lerip to scale, use this:
lerp to variable value, use this:
every tick events: don't use if this and this. Use if this and this.
every X second: don't use.
I must sound super lazy to most of you, and I definitely understand this, but for average users it would be a freaking life saver.
Yeah have to agree!
After reading this thread several times, the dt guide a dozen times, and Ashley's latest blog that arose from this thread several times, I now have this fuzzy feeling in my head and a real lack of confidence with both lerp and dt.
All I know is that lerp gives nice smooth movement effect, and that dt is required for a game to be frame rate independant.
But as to how, when, and even if they should be combined, well I would say the general target audience of C2 should just not use it.
Hehe I reckon this is pobably the most confusing thread I have read on these forums.
Really wish I paid more attention to math at school now....