Dear Santa Ashley,
I know that you've just finish your for 2014 so i start a new list of idea/feature that i want to see for C2 in 2015.
I promise i'll keep calm and that i'll do all my code with C2
1 - Time Line Editor
This is for me a MUST HAVE for C2.
Just like GodotEngine, Unity, Cocos2DStudio, MightyEditor (they use phaser)
this will be soooo wonderful and powerfull for C2 to have something like that.
Drag/drop objet on list, create animatin that modifie variable of the object and voila
you could create a complete menu animation with different sprite/bouton.
moving easily ennemy or background probs with out anycode (just something like systeme -> play_timeline ("Grats to Ashley")
The possibility with a timeline editor will really extend C2 capability
2 - sub-object creation or link/pin in the editor
Actually the design of an objet is limited by his own nature (sprite, bg ect...)
Why not imagine an empty object that you can create like a little scene (or like an other node (GodotEngine design))
Imagine an object Player that will have :
-> a sprite like now with multiple animation and sprite and multi imagepoint
-> a particule attached on a imagepoint (and not like now attached and positionned by code and layout startup -_-') for a jetpack for exemple
-> sound attached to the player
-> ect....
When you create a level, you will only drag the global object "player" and the subobject will allready be here and setup.
Maybe the actual conteiner can be expend on this way.
3 - Extend the Editor + Add Editor Gizmo for add-on/behaviors
Actually for me the force of C2 isn't is code engine, not because the core engine is bad but you can have the same on other engine (html5 or not) with the same or more feature.
For me the strongest thing of C2 is his editor and the perfect integration with his engine.
A good way to extend the editor is like the 2nd point, the ability to link object/setup object.
-> Pin object to a other directly in the editor
-> Setup physic in the editor (creation joint ect...)
An other good thing could be the ability to have Gizmo/Debug draw on the editor or in debug lunch.
I've a trigger that active a door.
In my level i'll have different trigger that activate different door.
Each trigger will have the reference of the door that it'll activate.
A little colored square for exemple and a line between the 2 objects could be a good things when C2 detect a object reference in a object variable.
4 - Mobile Export / Game Export / Application Export
Actually this is an old subject that have a lot of posts about it.
But after all the only reason of this subject is the performance of C2 on mobile device.
you make the choice of the futur with HTML5.
This was an anticipated choice when C2 start and clearly now the sky is more blue.
The main problem is that C2 doesn't have the total controle of the output.
We ALWAYS use a browser (embeded or not), a wrapper, ect..ect..
the globals optimisation of draw call ect.. can't be done by C2 directly and depend a lot of the export.
You have implanted great things in the past like webrtc ect.. but who use it really ? how many project/game use it ?
You take technologie choice that in my opinion good in the futur but not totaly perfect or powerfull in 2014 or 2015.
You say that solution decreapeted like ejecta/coconjs aren't good because they don't support some webfeature ???
But the WHO CARE ABOUT THAT ??????? O_o
If someone is using C2 to dev a full featured web application OK, build a full export with cordova.
With an exepensive build-in engine, that will make you have an fat an heavily memory print export.
Solution like GLESJS for exemple or other litte wrapper where not bad at all.
I know that in a commercial society you can't support all of that solution.
But why not have your LITTLE / FAST / LIMITED export.
C2 is use for game.
And in the most part for mobile game.
PC gaming are less impacted using node-webkit and don't really care about performance.
I just ******* web feature that i don't need and NEVER use.
I just want basic input (touch), play sound and draw sprite that all we REALLY need to make a game.
So in that way why no make avaiable some specific export of C2 that will target not ALL the feature but just some of same to make game
And if someone will need more feature he will use more fat solution but with all the feature build-in.
5 - After and not the Last
Thx Ashley and globally all the C2 Team and this community.
An engine is nothing without users and community.
And i love this one
Happy New Year 2015 for and Great New Features for C2 (a timeline, a timeline, a timeline )