I kind of fail to see why there is still those "get rid of html5", no, it is not "fairly new technology" the thing, but relying on 3rd party was one of the most important aspects, and I could be wrong but everyone should have already known that fact at the time they bought it (if not, it is not my problem but either scirra's or yours so I feel like I can say that without too much trouble), not that it does not bother me, but I knew it could have been an issue. And also I would bet if scirra did not had gone for html5, there would not have been C2, but nothing at all, not like it was a choice, but that is not even the issue.
The same way I would not use a screwdriver to pin a nail on the wall, C2's problem is not html5, it is not relying on 3rd parties either, that is what made it altogether, C2's issue might be trying to go outside of its realm while not doing it completely: you either go full and rely only on the operating system itself (natively), or stay in the browser realm, by taking simply the browser out of the customer equation (as you choose it for him, which is not your job at all), you break that chain and become responsible for no good reason.
When I saw first time the awesomium export (which was the first exe exporter), I liked the concept but feared 2 things, and who would have known, both happened:
-html5 is still an unviable target for multiplatform games (not because of performances obviously, but because it is easier to go squatting other platforms rather than using this one), C2 can handle really nice games on desktops and mobiles and tablets (won't run on iphone4? only useful if you target it), yet most of non wrapped games are simple templates it seems.
-rely on 3rd parties when it should not be the case: browser gaming (or browser activities in general) rely on the browser interpreting correctly everything in a fast way, that is completely fine for reasons I should not have to describe on an html5 game engine forum, however, wrapping your games just does not cut it, the performance improvement do not exist (or is very low), you still rely on an interpreter to do the job correctly (and it can fail pretty miserably), even if they are working correctly:What is the point? distribution and selling? Seems more like a shortcut to NOT correct that issue in the html5 platform. Functionnalities? Makes sense, but most of what I saw were just adding advertisements to android games, which is doable in an html5 game (even on a webpage), and if that is not the case, that is not the technology that is limiting us, again.
The same way emulators are not affiliated with the consoles manufacturers (apart from SEGA and their genesises emulators), wrappers (which emulates a web environnement) should be the responsability of the end user of C2/or the end user of the game itself, and not something that is a "feature".
however if they go into C3, they can do whatever they want, since it would be a new program subject to another license, other objectives, etc.. but for C2, deleting html5 would be not only sad, but would also counter what they are saying they are selling (which is an html5 engine).