vlweb3d's Forum Posts

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  • bilgekaan - There's no way that I know of to get your game on Steam without GreenLight.

    I had to wait 3 months before approval - and during that time, I had to do allot of marketing.

  • A0Nasser - yes, they do indeed think that game design is easy.

    It took me close to a year of continuous work (by myself, and creating all of my own assets) to complete the game.

    I also had to do all of the marketing for months, before I even stood a chance of reaching on Steam.

    At least it was one unforgettable learning experience - and it gave me respect for the WORK that is involved in creating a game.

    But if they think that game design is easy - they are more than welcome to try - lol

  • Well as the title says ...

    My Game Is Complete And Is In The STEAM Store.




    Sorry Ashley - but this plugin is simply not working for my game DarkBase 01.

    I spent the last 2 days working on new builds (making sure to follow all instructions) but it's just not working for me.

    Luckily, I still have my original build on Steam.

    The original build is working perfectly, with no errors whatsoever - but also without achievements.

    Maybe one day, all of Steam's features will be fully integrated into Construct without any issues (Construct 3 maybe? ) ...

    but for now, I need to prepare to release my game with what I currently have.

  • Sorry about the all caps in the title - but this has been a very exiting day for me.

    My very first commercial game - DARKBASE 01 - has been blessed by the all mighty Gabe Newell.

    Anyway - I have to go now. Since I'm new to Steam Development, I have to figure out how to properly configure my game for Steam, configure my Steam Store and a bunch of other stuff.

    So I would like to thank all of you who gave positive votes for my game and I would definitely be using Construct for future game development projects.

    Have an awesome day everyone

  • Hello

    Has anyone ever tried to make a fully isometric game in Construct 2?

    Does anyone know of an isometric framework that designers can start from?

    As an example - check out this awesome game...

  • Thanks blackcrypt

    I was so excited, I forgot to put the link, LoL

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • I woke up this morning and had a look at my Steam Greenlight page for my game DARKBASE 01.

    I was still stuck at 41% (been like that for a while now) so I just simply went on with the rest of my day.

    A few moments ago, something told me to go look at my page - I don't know what.


    I was so surprised - I almost started doing cartwheels.

    Update - I just refreshed the page - I'm at 63%

    I don't know exactly where the votes are coming from - but I'm thanking everyone in all of the online game discussion communities that I'm in.



    Would greatly appreciate it if you would add my game DarkBase 01

    You can find it here:

    http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =378040835

    Thank you, the support of all of you is greatly appreciated <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

  • Inversion

    Would greatly appreciate it if you would add my game DarkBase 01

    You can find it here:

    http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =378040835

    Thank you, the support of all of you is greatly appreciated <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

  • First of all, I would like to thank all of the people that helped me by providing answers to my questions in this forum during the game-making process.

    I've finally submitted my game to STEAM GREENLIGHT and I would greatly appreciate your support in this endeavor.

    You can find it here:


    Once again, thanks allot for your support

  • PixelBoss

    I'm currently working on it right now - once I confirm that everything is OK, I'll come back here and let you all know.

  • Aphrodite

    Thanks for the info - I'll go check out the plugin now

  • Hmmm ... so no one ever submitted a game to STEAM or utilized STEAM features in their games ???