vlweb3d's Forum Posts

  • Dark-Base 01 - Developer Diary 01

    This is the 1st Developer Diary Video of my upcoming Indie game Dark-Base 01. In this video I'm testing movement controls and interaction between force-fields and color-coded keys.

  • I see that Node Webkit is still giving trouble. I plan to release my game February next year.

    I sincerely hope that this problem is fully taken care of before then.

    Development of my game is going well - except for Node Webkit - and since I plan to make a Windows PC game for STEAM, Node WebKit NEEDS to work.

    I shudder to think that all these months of development would be in vain - just because of Node Webkit

  • Ok that's good - I would hate to have to tell my users ...

    "Hey you need to install Google Chrome in order to play my game"

    Since I'm building a Windows PC game after all.

    I really hope that all this drama is sorted out before February 2015 - that's my deadline for my game's release.

    I would hate to have wasted months of hard work - just because of this freezing issue.

    Also, I hope work is being done to integrate STEAM features.

  • Ashley - So any updates on this issue?

    Yesterday, I downloaded the latest version of C2 and I exported my (currently developing) game for PC using Node Webkit for testing purposes.

    The game was randomly freezing for no apparent reason - It would freeze for about 2 to 3 seconds then continue as normal.

    I plan to have my game released on STEAM by February 2015.

    I hope that this problem is fixed before then.

    BTW Ashley - Since I am making a PC game, would users need to have Google Chrome installed? I see the word Chrome popping up alot.

  • SMH

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  • Don't see how this helps.

    I am no programmer - this is a problem that the programmers need to fix...

    and then release with another update...

    since we're not talking about free software here.

  • Hello,

    Yesterday, I downloaded the latest version of C2 and I exported my (currently developing) game for PC using Node Webkit for testing purposes.

    The game was randomly freezing for no apparent reason - It would freeze for about 2 to 3 seconds then continue as normal.

    At first I thought it was a RAM issue - but I do indeed have a good amount of RAM and less that 40% of my overall RAM was being used.

    I plan to have my game released on STEAM February 2015.

    I hope that this problem is fixed before then - a game that's freezing up on STEAM would be ...... embarrassing.