vlweb3d's Forum Posts

  • Fimbul Don't forget I'm talking about a separate program developed by separate programmers. Ashley does not have to do it and I never said that he should.

    If you all read through "the entire post", you all would realize that.

    Look at companies like Adobe and Autodesk - separate programmers for various applications - but they're all under the same company name.

    I don't need to worry about "thinking this through" when we're talking about a separate program here.

    I'm not talking about trying to integrate 3D into the existing Construct 2.

  • Grimbarian OK cool, reading through the text, it said that its all based on DLLs and that there's no visual editor as yet. I'll bookmark this page and see how it's developing in the coming months.

  • Jayjay Yeah, I'm keeping an eye on that Plugin to see how its developing.

  • If maybe you can base off an existing open source engine like game develop with a nice team, then maybe you could have the basis of the event system, just a though.

    Back when I was busy looking for an "easy to use" game engine, I found "Game Develop". It seemed fairly interesting - but then I found Construct 2 - and as they say, the rest is history.

    Now a 3D version of Construct 2 would make me the happiest person in the world. People would be able to see my beaming smile from miles away

  • Grimbarian yes I know about "3d rad" - I used it a few years ago - and I also know that its heyday went away a long time ago - that's why we need something completely brand new.

    As for this Oddity Engine - I'll check it out and see if it has Behaviors and Events that I can snap together - like Construct 2.

  • I’d like you to take a trip in my crazy imagination with me ... and feel free to leave your comments below ...

    I’ve been using Construct 2 for a while now and I’m enjoying it so far (I’m actually almost finished with my 1st game) but I’ve always had an inner urge to create a 3D game. I’ve been reading through the posts on the “Q3D Plugin” found here and on other sites. Although most people like the plugin, there are a few that are worried that it will interfere with Construct 2’s main purpose.

    Well let’s just imagine a separate program that can do the following.


    1. This program will have a relatively simple looking interface, like Construct 2 or Unity.

    2. Unlike Unity however, this program will require NO PROGRAMMING for you to create a complete game. It will come loaded with a metric-ton of Behaviors and Events - just like Construct 2.

    3. Also just like Construct 2, this program will have Event Sheets, so you can easily snap together the logic of your game.

    4. You can import 3D objects (static or animated) from various popular formats.

    5. You’ll be able to export your game in multiple formats.


    If someone wanted to start a KickStarter Campaign for this program, I would gladly contribute to it (Hey Scirra, hint hint, wink wink). To use a Star Trek reference - this program will boldly go where no 3D game engine has gone before - lol

    In this way, it will satisfy everyone!

    People who want to focus strictly on 2D games can continue using Construct 2. For 3D however, this KickStarter Campaign will help them hire more programmers to focus on the creation of ... wait for it ...

    Yes, I know that my imagination is crazy ... but just imagine the possibilities ... just imagine ... just imagine ... just imagine ... (echo)

  • Too much MATH is not good for a graphic designer's stomach ... ugh

    I took one look at this - and I almost puked.


    So like I said before, if someone from Scirra (or anyone else for that matter) is willing to make full behaviors, events, etc. for this and have it in the Asset Store, that would be great.

  • You don't need isometric to do what's in the vid.

    All that would be needed is the paths behavior, and some z order masks.

    newt OK, but do you know of any tutorials that show the kind of stuff you're talking about?

  • >



    > Compared to other game engines that I've used, as a graphic designer, Construct 2 is indeed easy to use ....


    > I'm almost finished with my first game and I hope to have it up on STEAM by early next year.


    > Now if only someone would make a 3D Engine that was just as "event heavy" as Construct 2 ..... hmmm ....


    > Hey Scirra, think you can put together some developers to get cracking on that project? lol?


    As far as I know, 3D is not at all in scirra's plans for now.

    LOL, yeah I know, I was just kidding - but it certainly would be a cool project for later down the road.

  • newt I get what he's referring to.

    What he's actually referring to is something like this:

    Stasis is a 2D adventure game made in Visionaire studio. The player can move in 8 directions - and there's a separate animation for each direction.

    Yeah it looks 3D (because of the high quality rendering) but its actually a 2D game.

    An 8-direction preset like this in Construct 2 would be awesome.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I think what spy84 is asking for is something like 8 direction isometric movement preset behaviors.

    Think of engines like Adventure Game Studio, Visionaire Studio or even RPG Maker and you'll get the idea.

    Presets like that would be a definite added bonus to Construct 2.

    It would make Construct 2 even more


    Compared to other game engines that I've used, as a graphic designer, Construct 2 is indeed easy to use ....

    I'm almost finished with my first game and I hope to have it up on STEAM by early next year.

    Now if only someone would make a 3D Engine that was just as "event heavy" as Construct 2 ..... hmmm ....

    Hey Scirra, think you can put together some developers to get cracking on that project? lol?

  • >

    > So if this is some "technical" stuff - when can a full fix be implemented into Construct 2 so that we can all easily export to make a fully functional Windows game?


    Latest beta release includes the node-webkit fix. And the next stable release will probably include that too.

    I certainly hope so - as long as the next stable release (with stable node-webkit) is out before Feb 2015, I'll be a happy person.

  • Just a question. Is this a fix on the technical side of node webkit or is this a Construct 2 fix?

    I'm not good will all that "teche" stuff.

    All I want to do is export my game from Construct 2 (using Construct 2 Export feature) into a full Windows PC game (without any freezing).

    Because I want to put my game on STEAM.

    And we all know that STEAM can be a "harsh mistress" if your game is found to be buggy.

    So if this is some "technical" stuff - when can a full fix be implemented into Construct 2 so that we can all easily export to make a fully functional Windows game?

  • Dark-Base 01 - Developer Diary 02

    This is the 2nd Developer Diary Video of my upcoming Indie game Dark-Base 01. In this video I'm showing more cool stuff with regards to player behavior and enemies..