vlweb3d's Forum Posts

  • michael

    I agree with everything that you said ...

    I also know that none of these thing are going to happen.

    I remember bringing up points like this before, especially the 3D part ...

    and I also remember being shot down by Ashley for bringing up these points.

    So I simply stopped asking about new features.

  • Hi Guys!

    Well my PC game is pretty much finished so the burning question has to be now asked.

    How Do I Fully Prepare My Game For STEAM ?

    Note that my game is strictly for Windows PC - I'm not interested in any other platforms.

    I've already exported the game via Node-Webkit (I'm using the latest STABLE versions of C2 and NW).

    I don't know how to make an installation file and integrate STEAM features - in other words, I want my game to take full advantage of all that STEAM has to offer.

    Does anyone know how to do these things?


  • I tried everything and I'm not bothering with video integration anymore.

    I don't think Construct 2 can properly handle and integrate video, like AAA game engines.

    Maybe in later versions - but not now.

    So I decided to use a simpler solution ...

    The opening cutscene will now be just pictures with a "wait" action between each picture.

    So it's now like a slide show.

    It's not exactly what I wanted to do - but at least this solution actually WORKS.

    Thanks for trying to help guys.

    See Ya!

  • TiAm

    Like I said in my opening post ...

    [quote:9lue6zyp]My video is in all 3 formats - so it's not a missing format issue.

    I'm referring to all of the 3 formats that C2 supports - WebM, Ogg & Mp4

    So it can't be a formatting issue.

  • So has no one else ever had this problem? I cant believe that I'm the ONLY C2 user who has ever had this problem - that will be insane :/

  • Ashley



    I have the latest stable versions of C2 and Node-Webkit installed.

    My video is in all 3 formats - so it's not a missing format issue.

    My game is for PC only (I want to put it on STEAM) - so I don't have to worry about phones, mac, etc.

    I have the latest versions of Chrome & Firefox on my laptop.

    I am previewing my video in-game using Node-Webkit preview

    My video is on its own layout - its a 5 minute opening cutscene


    When the player clicks on "New Game" in the Title Screen Layout, they are then sent to the Opening Cutscene Layout and the video automatically starts playing - just like in all those AAA games.


    The video starts playing as expected, then it randomly sticks - it never sticks in the same place twice. No idea what's going on here. Outside of C2 I can easily play the video in all of my video players - so I know that the video is not corrupted. It's just so odd that the video would randomly stop playing. When this happens, the only way to come out is to close Node-Webkit preview.

    Please note that I only have 1 event attached to this video - and there is nothing else on the Event Sheet...

    OpenCutscene > Has Ended > System > Go To Level1Layout

    That's it.

    Assistance from you guys would be greatly appreciated. I am 98% finished with my game - and this stumbling block was totally unexpected.

  • Bilaterus - thanks for the info. I'm almost finished with my first game and I had the very same question.


    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought Steam was stopping the Greenlight program ?

    I thought Steam was now going to allow people to Self Publish ?

    Appreciate your response.

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  • QuaziGNRLnose - Have you ever used CopperCube? I think if you and that guy ever decided to team up, you all would have one AWESOME 3d event based game engine.

  • spy84 yeah i know, it was just a joke, that's why I made sure to put LOL after my comment.

  • Looks interesting - I'll keep an eye on it.

    Those people have some really THICK accents though.

    Thank goodness they decided to add subtitles to their videos.


  • Ashley, Well, if that's how you really feel about it - OK, well fine then.

    [quote:2dasi8yv]I think a "Construct 3D" is the top example of "imagining feature requests to solve everything magically with no effort"

    and don't try to insult your customers' intelligence by saying that I'm asking for some sort of magic formula!

    Even for a game engine with no programming, I still have to create all of the assets and use logic to make those assets work as a cohesive game. In other words ... IT DOES TAKE EFFORT ... no matter how you try to spin it !

    But anyway, don't be surprised if a year from now - or even 5 years from now ...

    some other programmer (working for a competing company) creates a 3d engine that winds up proving you wrong.

    I'm done with the negativity I'm getting here, so I'm not reading any more replies.

    Have a good day

  • DrewMelton Zbrush being quirky - lol, yes indeed.

    Well from what I've seen so far. It looks awesome - even if you're using "Golden Axe" sprites. Would love to see how this would have looked like, in an easy-to-use 3D Game Engine, with your talents.

    After you're done with your current game, do you have any plans to put your engine in the Asset Store?

    For my next game, I was thinking about a turn-based RPG - but I have no idea where to start with a project of that magnitude.

    I was first looking at "RPG Maker", but although its easy to use, its screen resolution is low and you do have limits to your tilesets. That wont be good if i'm planning to sell a high resolution RPG game for PC.

  • newt hmmm ... well that's strange ...

    Why would you get snubbed for requesting a "wishful thinking" forum?

    That would be a perfect place, high up on the main forums, where people can put their feature requests.

  • I am actually working in 3d most of the time even though C2 is 2d. I'm using Modo and Zbrush to create my characters and assets. I use Photoshop for HUD elements or other effects.

    The benefit to a 2d engine is that there is no polygon limit since it is image based. I can create a character with a ton of polygons and simply export it as a png. So, there's really no difference in a character with 3,000 or 300,000 polygons or hair effects or whatever other fancy stuff I use.

    I'm working on an isometric game like Baldur's Gate or Diablo. For the most part, I've been able to do everything I want in 2d, but I have to make do without lighting effects of any kind. I know that C2 was updated with a lighting module or something, but that won't work in 2d because nothing is actually solid. An isometric 2d cube is completely flat, so it's essentially an optical illusion, and therefore it cannot have real time shadows on it.

    Since my game is, turn-based RPG, I honestly would have probably killed myself trying this in another program. C2 allows me to quickly change events or move them around, and in a game like this, I need to modify and experiment quite a bit.

    3d would have opened my game up a bit so I could have had multiple levels in isometric perspective, such as a stairway to a second floor or platform elements. However, this is not absolutely necessary. It'd be more like an added bonus.

    I would welcome 3d, but I'd have to see the pros and cons first.

    DrewMelton A separate 3D program with the ease of Construct 2 would be awesome for the kind of project that you're doing. I don't know how to do "isometric" in Construct 2 - so my game is a straight top-down view of the characters and environments.

    Would you happen to have a demo of the game so I can take a look at it? I don't need the source file. I'm just referring to putting it up in a browser so I can see what it looks like.

    On another note ... Zbrush makes me cringe. It's the only 3D program that given me a good a** kicking. I've used Maya, Mudbox, 3DS Max, Lightwave, Cinema 4D with no major problems - but Zbrush? Good Lord !!!