mef1sto's Forum Posts

  • At this moment I working on a pretty large project.. over 7000 sprites in animations, ~100 sounds, a lot of webgl fx on sprites and layers. It's already hard to work in standalone editor for my i5(pastgen)+gtx760+16gb Ram. What if I open this project in browser-based editor? I think the browser will dead.. online/offline - doesn't matter - it's a browser with browser's limits

  • A bit of new content and gif


    This orc is broken.. bring me new one!

    Exchange of blows


    Battle Zoom-In

  • when will you release it? atleast a alpha something its so yummy i want to play!

    I think that demo coming soon) there are lot of works here but we had a good tempo at last two months - so maybe in february

  • Is the arrow that shows up on the enemies health bar during battle some kind of skill check to determine how much damage you do?

    Something like this, but for crit (increases the chance)

  • Try Construct 3

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  • [quote:3gegl4vq]This orc is broken.. Bring me new one!

  • Forgotten Legendz

  • >

    > > What resolution is your game in?

    > >


    > I use 1280x720 on mobiles with scale inner. On PC I use crop mode without scaling - If you have monitor with 1920x1080 - game will run 1920x1080 and you will see original scale + little more dungeon



    Excellent what going to be the monetizing methods used? Will it be free with ADs or IAP model?

    I personally doesn't like ads or inAPs in mobile games.

    So it will be a paid game - pay and play without banners and disbalance.

    I think it's not the best monetization method to earn the money, but the best for gameplay balance

    (I don't need to think about: "What I need to do, that the player will buy something in the shop... maybe create very powerful monster those he can't kill without the sword for 1$" or "hmm... I need to show fullscreen banner every 2 minutes and then give him chance to buy NO-ADS inAP for 2$")

    So - oldschool - buy game - play game - enjoy)

  • What resolution is your game in?

    I use 1280x720 on mobiles with scale inner. On PC I use crop mode without scaling - If you have monitor with 1920x1080 - game will run 1920x1080 and you will see original scale + little more dungeon

  • mef1sto professional grade stuff, this looks epic. I can't wait till the release on android I can already tell its going to be a blast. Keep up the good work!! All those upgradables in your game, your code must be looking crazy right about now keeping track of all the stats!!

    Thanx) I'm trying to optimiz the code as well as I can to get ~60fps on mobiles

  • Swords

  • Icons for inventory and forge shop:

  • Little construct 2 game showreel:

  • Sorry, there is nothing we can do about this. The Windows OS itself has a limit of 10,000 graphics objects per process, and the editor needs at least one icon per object not including everything else a typical Windows app needs, which is probably pushing you over the limit. Addressing this would require fundamentally rearchitecting the editor. This work is being done for C3, but it is too late for C2. I am shocked that anyone would ever run in to this limit anyway, since that is a truly extraordinary number of images to be using. All you can do is try to reduce the number of images used, or one other workaround is to export your project every time you want to test it, which applies spritesheeting and reduces the number of images.


    Hmm... In Windows 10, when I run preview on Chrome - It still not working like in Windows 7: 90% of loading and "stop".

    But: preview working in Microsoft Edge... 5000 objects, 6000, 8000 - I don't know how, but it works

  • Forgotten Legendz game introduction(something like the prehistory of the game world)