Bad Pad new trailer
— Looks great, nice work dude!
I love space quest the platformer looks fun reminds me of commander keen
Thanks man, doing my best
I checked out your game, got to level 7, pretty hard, but I like hard
I just made a funny character.. he jumps, kicks, punch and has a karate move. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
I don't see many people using Local Notifications. Probably it's because HTML5 apps can't work in background and because of that you cannot fetch notification data "onArrived" condition.
I've managed to do it as a MoModth module. Here's a short video:
MoModth is still in progress.
Hey everyone,
Here's the trailer for my new game Hyper Bounce Blast, due out on Steam next month.
Let me know what you think
story intro from crisis time
Little construct 2 game showreel:
Here's a playthrough of my Ludum Dare 35 compo entry (48 hour production) called Little Girl. The theme was Shapeshifting, so I think I incorporated that pretty well into the mechanics.
game from here as well as check out the source!
Here's a playthrough of my Ludum Dare 35 compo entry (48 hour production) called Little Girl. The theme was Shapeshifting, so I think I incorporated that pretty well into the mechanics. You can check out and play through the game from here as well as check out the source!
Nice Graphix!
Trailer for my endless arcade SHMUP I've been working on for some time!
We're also looking for beta testers, if you have an iOS device get in touch with your Testflight ID.
Finally have a pretty steady combat system going for City of Amber! Here's an Alpha build combat test on the Scavenger enemy-type:
Very nice! It's so cool to see that there's so many unique and diverse games being made with C2!