PrinceofMars's Forum Posts

  • yes but when the time scale is 0 you can't use the every secound command

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  • hi everyone when the players health reachs 0 I make the Do_you_want_to_continue? layer visiable and pause the game by setting the time scale to 0.

    but what i want to add to my game over screen is a countdown timer like in all the old arcade games.

    but if the time scale is set to 0 I can't do that can I?

    since all timed commands like every secound do not work

  • It is done ..well stage one is

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  • thanks bro fingers crossed i can get it done by christmas

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    I am trying to make a short christmas themed shooter in the style of classic arcade games from the 80s and early 90s like operaition wolf or beast busters.

  • well thanks for trying if I can't fix it I might just remove grenades from the game

  • sorry for my delayed responce.

    I been giving it a go both the for each and pickedcount but no such luck if I flood the screen with grenades my body count is still below what it is meant to be

  • hi I am making a on rails arcade gun game and I want the player to be able to throw grenades

    so first I made a large explosion sprite and I used the simple code

    if grenade overlap enemey then reduce enemy hp by 10

    but while that seemed to work when groups of enemies got hit they did die BUT they did not all add to the bodycounter

    bodycounter is a global variable I use to determine when all the badguys in a room are dead so the camera can move to the next room.

    so I tried something else

    and it still does not work.

    if I have a group of 4 enemies and hit them with a grenade it only adds 2 points to bodycounter what can i do to make sure all the badguys are counted

  • ok now my other project would by default open up in NW.js but if I try to change that to firefox when I hit preview nothing happens it appears I have lost the ability to change the way I can preview my games

  • that's the thing my other game project opens just fine in another browser it's just this one game

  • HI I have been working on a project called PIXEL CRISIS for over a decade and I have started to experience slowdown in some of my levels so I wanted to open it up in different browsers to see how it performs but unfortunately no matter what browser I pick on the preview settings it only opens up in firefox I have tried different game projects and they open up chrome or NW.js just fine.

    have anyone else encountered this problem where construct only previews in one browser

  • fantastic thanks mate

  • hi, everyone, I have been hired to make an arcade gun game by a friend and since the game is controlled with a gun that uses the mouse I am limited in my controls now I want to let the player enter their name into the high score. and to do this by clicking on the letters now unfortunately I don't know how to do that I can set text when I click on a sprite text object but how do I make it just ADD the letter to the text

    something like this but you click on the letters

  • Something like this should work. Being mirrored means the width is negative. Using cos on the moving angle gets the horizontal movement. The ?: expression sees if the horizontal motion is negative.

    Every tick:

    — set width to abs(self.width)*(cos(self.moveTo.movingAngle)<0?-1:1)