PrinceofMars's Forum Posts

  • I am sorry to be a pain if I wanted to return it to original animation as in Self minus bright

  • thanks, buddy i knew it would be something super simple

  • hello everyone I am creating a game where you click on enemies to damage them now I originally programmed that when you clicked on an enemy they changed their animation to a brightened version of the sprite see

    and damaged

    but the problem is I want to have multiple animations on one object is there a way to program it that if the enemy gets hit it will the find appropriate damage animations depending on which animation is playing so if I saved all my animations filename and filename_Bright so if I click on it and the animation playing is Robot_Attack_1 it will play Robot_Attack_1_Bright

  • god dam it I forgot about that you will need the moveto plugin to get it working it is a very useful plug in if you want it you can get it here

  • Did it help? could you figure out why I didn't have any problem but you did?

  • I will do one better I will send PM with a like to a copy of my game you can take a look at it

    (edit) ok turns out they got rid of the private message function...well that's irritating

    here is the link let me know when you got it so I can delete the link

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  • oh sorry, buddy I not had that problem and I don't think I can help you.

  • hi, buddy I am making my own space harrier type game with the ground plugin and I found the same problem had to put the origin point on the bottom of the ground sprite and then flip it to make it look correct but once I did that it would never appear where it was in editor to make the sprite appear at the bottom of the screen I had to place it in the middle of the editor.

  • thanks, brother worked like a charm

  • hello everyone I am trying to make a game where you click on enemies to destroy them the problem is if you click on more than one enemy at once it will destroy them both I don't want that how do I make it so that only one enemy gets destroyed at a time

  • Thanks, buddy but how do I check if there are other members of the squad exist?

  • this is probably super easy but I am having trouble with it I am making a shmup and when I spawn 3 or 4 enemies in a formation I want to reward the player when he destroys the entire formation like in the classic arcade game Darius. SO I tried giving all the enemies an instance variable called squadron and gave the first ship a random number but how do I give the other ships the same squadron number

    and then how to make it that when a player destroys an enemy it adds one to the kill count off that specific squadron of enemy fighters and when it reaches the right amount so if you kill every member of the enemy formation it recognizes that and gives you a point bonus

  • ages ago I posted started a thread on this forum called pixel shock it was about a top down exploration game attempting to recreate games like system shock, but in 2d while taking a lot of inspiration from teleglitch well, I have returned to the project and enough has changed that I want to give the project a whole new thread

    ^while I orginaly was going to be more of a horror title the more I am working on it the more it is become a action title this is the first boss the player must defeat