LevelUpJordan's Forum Posts

  • Hey,

    I started working on something in Construct 2, but decided to give Construct 3 a go. In C2 if I give a sprite "Destination Out" blend mode which essentially made it & anything underneath it on the same layer invisible, in Construct 3 this just shows a black square over the entire sprite with "Destination Out".

    Does anyone know if this is broken or if I'm doing anything wrong?

    Thank you,


  • Hi there,

    I'm very sorry for the large and unspecific request, but I've been going round in circles reading about Construct3, Facebook Plugins, Facebook Instant Games Plugins etc. for a fair while.

    I have a fair bit of Construct 2 experience, less with Construct 3 if I'm honest and I have no idea how to host games on a facebook page.

    Simply put, the company I work for want to increase engagement on their facebook page and know I have some experience so thought they'd give me the opportunity - unfortunatelly beyond actually making the games the same way you would if they'd be hosted on kongregate/the scirra arcade etc. my knowledge is lacking.

    Obviously in light of recent facebook....issues the less information we need off players the better - this is purely for engagement.

    But if anyone could provide a simple step by step for getting a C3/C2 game on a facebook page I would be extremely grateful. I've been having a whole lot of trouble.

    I am also aware I'd need a professional license - that would not be a problem.

    Thank you,


  • So, the question I have is much more specific than the title would lead you to believe.

    I was hoping to have a game where possible arena layouts would be pulled from an array of size n, m, 2. Where n is the number of layout from which one would be selected, and m is the max number of blocks with positions saved.

    Then, in the actual game, an x (layout) would be chosen. And from that each Y of the array would have an x and y position saved listing where a block should be placed.

    I've struggled to explain this effectively but hopefully that makes sense.

    One possible level could look like this:


    I built a level editor (for me, not players) so I can drop blocks in, and have their positions saved in an array before downloading said array as JSON. That is how I generated the above.

    My question is how do I then, once I have my JSON file of levels, move this back into Construct2 so in the player's version of the game the array is prebuilt and ready to be used?

    I'm happy to link the capx but currently it is just the level editor I've briefly discussed so probably isn't all that necessary.

    Thank you,


  • Hey, it's not really made clear what state these projects are in. Do they have the art done and just need programming? Are you the artist? In fact, what exactly is your role?

  • Hey, apologies if this is just my lack of reading comprehension, but I'm unsure what it is you're offering.

    Do you have a game idea you want a programmer? Do you have an artist or anything?

  • Quick update to change a few incorrect links and hopefully give this a bump as I've a lot of free time right now.


  • I'm also decent at design but I think everyone would say that about themselves and it didn't fit in the title. The "primarily" means I'm happy to help designers, musicians etc. but I have no artistic talent so we'll still be stuck on that front.

    Before I talk for a little bit here's some things I've worked on or am working on.

    Firstly, a game I created as part of a 72 hour gamejam. The theme was Shapeshift, I think it turned out pretty well!


    This is a prototype of an arcadey platformer shmup thing, I was going for a Vlambeer theme. The mix and match loadout thing was lifted directly from Luftrausers. There are 5 primary weapons, 5 secondary weapons, and 5 movement abilities (125 combinations) in the game. Please read the description if you want to unlock them quickly. Apologies about the mishmash of odd art, I was never able to find an artist to help.


    And finally something I'm currently working on. A fairly simple (mechanically speaking) game, but I think pretty visually appealing. Currently only the top character is playable, please excuse the filler text at the bottom, that's temporary.


    Anything we created worth selling I'd be happy to rev share of course, but mostly I'm interested in just making something good! I currently have lots of spare time so want to make the most of it.

    I have a few concepts and ideas floating around, but ideallly if there's a game you really want to make I'd be happy to take a backseat in the game design department. Preferably you'd be solid at English as I think communication is very important and it's the only language I'm fluent in I'm afraid.

    Comment, PM me here, skype me at Levelupjordan, or email me at if you'd like to talk more!


  • So, first off, the prototype:  

    https://levelupjordan.itch.io/secret?se ... 3GwjkNCj2s

    Apologies for the weird unlock system. It was probably a mistake and will need to be changed to a normal upgrade shop style thing.

    Cheat: Tap "T" in "How to Play" to spawn unlock tile.

    Unlockables answers:

    Jetpack, Shotgun, Bombs

    Sticky Feet, Bouncy Gun, Slowmo Beam,

    Low Gravity, Ninja Star,, Turret Gun,

    Acrobatic, Laser Beam, Teleporter

    Some of my other work:

    https://levelupjordan.itch.io/shift-the ... apes-shape

    I just made this (with an artist and sound/music guy) over the past weekend as part of Ludum Dare

    https://levelupjordan.itch.io/secret2?s ... bUDif32ZHM

    Still in progress

    More details about this job

    I'd prefer the artist be involved in the design to some extent, suggesting improvements and helping shape the project.  Hopefully ensuring the game feels like a shared project, with us as partners as opposed to making the sprites simply being a job.

    Obviously as I'd like us to be 50/50 partners any profit sharing should we create a game people want to play would also be 50/50.

    I've never done one of these posts so if this is missing information please feel free to ask any questions.

    If you're interested you can comment here, or PM me, or email at birdjordan94@gmail.com.

    Thanks for reading this!


  • Try Construct 3

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  • Just open the example project that comes with c2 - it shows you how to simply record the canvas using the User Media object in Firefox browser.

    I appreciate that's an option for me (and thank you for the suggestion), I'm now just thinking perhaps somewhat optimistically about other people recording gameplay.

    Cheers for helping me with the more pressing matter though.

  • Use OBS to record a NW.js preview rather than from a browser. It is more easily identified and gives better performance. Also set the game letterbox integer scale to reduce GPU work.

    You could also try something like this, although I've never used it myself because OBS is awesome: https://www.screencastify.com/. Finally, since r218, video recording from the canvas has been supported using the media object; there is an example project included with c2 to show how it works. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    I've been exporting with nw.js and am still having no luck, if it's not too much trouble could I link the capx and see if you have the same problem? I know it's a lot to ask, but I'd really appreciate it.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/ok0fu2hhervkk ... .capx?dl=0

    Apologies for the art, it's a mix of open source stuff and 2 artists and programmer art. Hopefully being able to send video to the artists should help speed up the palette swapping process.

    And as for the other poster I'm on an older laptop so Shadowplay is out of the question.


  • Honestly, imagepoints are probably the easiest way to achieve that. But if you want to avoid it the you could say

    on collision with bin:

    Action 1

    bin -> set position -> x: player.x, y: player.y-((player.height+bin.height)/2)

    Action 2

    bin -> pin to player

    Without seeing the game, it's hard to say how best to approach dropping it after a fixed time. I don't like using "wait" commands but you could add a blank sub event with the actions:

    Wait "x" seconds

    Unpin bin

    You'll probably have to set a position, something like set y: self.y+((player.height+bin.height)/2) but without seeing it it's hard to say.

    Or use a timer, add a timer behaviour to the player. Then add a third action to the on collision with bin event saying start timer -> "drop" x seconds.

    Then a new event Player -> on timer -> "drop".....


    Unpin bin

    set y: self.y+((player.height+bin.height)/2)

    Sorry this is messy, hopefully it helps.

  • 1) I assume there's a global variable with the score. Create 2 layouts, the win screen and the lose screen.

    Add a 2 subevents to the player going through the door event:

    Subevent 1

    Condition : System ->Compare variable -> score < [minimum success value]

    Action: Go to layout [Lose Screen]

    Subevent 2

    Condition : System->Compare Variable -> score >= [minimum success value]

    Action: Go to layout [Win Screen]

    2) That's just a simple z order issue. Either right click the bin in the layout and say move to top of layer, or create an event to do the same.

    If you upload a capx I'll be happy to help you out if this wasn't clear.

  • I apologise for the basic question, but I'm pulling my hair out here. I've searched the forums and whatnot.

    I'm working on two projects and I'm going to need to record some gameplay, I'd also hope in the event someone wants to play them they could record stuff but I've tried Fraps and Open Broadcaster Software with no success whatsoever. I found some posts on here about Fraps not working, but that was some time ago and someone suggested OBS as a working alternative.

    Fraps doesn't seem to recognise a game is running whatsoever, and OBS will recognise the window but seems to stop before anything really happens.

    I'm not sure what files to upload for help with this, but if you need anything off me please ask. Thank you in advance.

  • I didn't think it was messy enough to be doubly noteworthy!

    It's now working and I didn't change a single line, it must just be my laptop being dodgy.

    Thanks for your time.

    EDIT: And sorry to bother you with something that ended up being nothing at all.

  • Seems simple I know but I'd class myself as someone with a bit of experience.

    I'm making a game, I recently tried to add gamepad support. Having never done so it's been a bit of an uphill struggle, but I thought I was making solid progress.

    However the "has gamepads" condition doesn't seem to be working at all. Maybe it's my laptop, maybe it's my programming, or maybe it's a bug in Construct 2. If someone else could confirm I have/haven't done something wrong I'd appreciate it.

    The event sheets are a bit of a mess, but here's the capx: https://www.dropbox.com/s/m109sytmaje5x ... .capx?dl=0

    The easiest places to see what I'm talking about are:

    Controls_Enabled = 0 means Mouse & Keyboard, Controls_Enabled = 1 means Gamepad

    Event Sheet_Options line35 This to me would suggest you can only activate gamepad control if there was a gamepad connected but that's not the case.

    Similarly, Event Sheet_Tutorial (Mouse) line 3 should switch controls from gamepad back to mouse if no gamepad is connected, again this isn't true.

    There's also the exact same situation in Event Sheet_World 1 but that's a lot more messy.

    Thanks for your help!

    EDIT: To demonstrate, here's a link to the game: https://levelupjordan.itch.io/secret?se ... 3GwjkNCj2s

    If you enable gamepad in options when there isn't a connected gamepad you will see the behaviour I'm referring to when you are in control of the character.