[Rev-Share] looking for a Construct 2 Programmer

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From the Asset Store
Casino? money? who knows? but the target is the same!
  • Hi

    I'm NanoCake (funny name for a Developer) and I use Construct 2 and i'm also new to the Management Side of the Indie Gaming Industry.

    I made unfinished games and i wish to Finish them all and right now i need someone to Work with and to also Give me a Better Picture on how Indie Games are Polished and Distributed (Especially the Polishing).I'm Also new to the Serious Side of Game Development and Working with someone far more experienced than me is a great Head Start and I'm Also new to Actually Hiring People.

    ~Would be nice if you have prior knowledge to Game Maker, Unity or Multimedia Fusion but not Obligatory

    ~Knowledge in Pixel Art is Accepted but not Obligatory

    //More About Me

    1.I'm an Incoming Software Engineering Student and i need to Learn programming for 2 main reasons

    • To Fully understand Coding for School and Passion for Programming
    • To Find a Job and to Support my Studies

    2. Right now i'm using Construct 2 since it's the most Intuitive and Easy to Learn

    3. I have Little Knowledge on C#,Game Maker and C++ but i know how to make a simple program using Visual Basic and a Game Protoype (Barely Playable) in Game Maker

    To Apply

    email me at:


    PM me Here

    As of now i can't use skype since my internet is Slow atm


    *DON'T GIVE ME "Let's talk at XX or You Should Use YY so we can discuss"

    You Don't have to give me your resume just Give me The Details on What you can Do and What you can't

    P.S : i still don't have Construct 2 as of now

  • MM... Good offer man XD.. I`m not to new at all this.. I use C 2 about a month ago. So of course there`s something i can`t do and something I can.. Maybe we can be a patner.. I also practicing to be a game designer right now.. But not at , just at home.. SO what do you think about it ?.. Maybe I can help you with some thing .// Just PM me..

  • Take my advice: Start learning C2 now and don't attempt to hire guys yet.

    I was a dumdum, Last year I gave assets to one guy I found in Tigsource and he hasn't done anything with them for about 5 months now. No update. NOTHING.

    Also, for another game, I found a guy, met up with him and discussed the details and even gave him the assets and same thing: NO REPLY after months.

    So about a month ago, I decided to learn C2 and make the game myself and now I'm only one plugin away from publishing.

  • was a dumdum, Last year I gave assets to one guy I found in Tigsource and he hasn't done anything with them for about 5 months now. No update. NOTHING.


    same here but with game maker, which was 5 years ago when Game Maker 8 was still widely used and People were transitioning to Studio and all i ask was to Convert some of the Lines to Game Maker Studio and Didn't reply for like 4 years now

  • > was a dumdum, Last year I gave assets to one guy I found in Tigsource and he hasn't done anything with them for about 5 months now. No update. NOTHING.

    > .


    same here but with game maker, which was 5 years ago when Game Maker 8 was still widely used and People were transitioning to Studio and all i ask was to Convert some of the Lines to Game Maker Studio and Didn't reply for like 4 years now

    Hahaha!! And I thought I was unlucky with 5 months!

    Well start learning C2 now; you'll probably come up with a prototype in 1-3 days. It's real simple.

  • Also, for another game, I found a guy, met up with him and discussed the details and even gave him the assets and same thing: NO REPLY after months.

    If you're talking about me, I clearly said that I don't have time for a revenue share project at the moment, so I suggested you start the project yourself.

  • > Also, for another game, I found a guy, met up with him and discussed the details and even gave him the assets and same thing: NO REPLY after months.


    If you're talking about me, I clearly said that I don't have time for a revenue share project at the moment, so I suggested you start the project yourself.


  • Hey, apologies if this is just my lack of reading comprehension, but I'm unsure what it is you're offering.

    Do you have a game idea you want a programmer? Do you have an artist or anything?

  • > Also, for another game, I found a guy, met up with him and discussed the details and even gave him the assets and same thing: NO REPLY after months.


    If you're talking about me, I clearly said that I don't have time for a revenue share project at the moment, so I suggested you start the project yourself.

    Nope. Wasn't talking about you. It was some other guy I saw at Tigsource last year.

    The other guy I mentioned I actually met up with physically, talked and ate lunch with.

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  • NanoCake Sorry?

    MPPlantOfficial Oh, I see. Some people aren't passionate about their projects. I think it's good that you started working on the game yourself.

  • Okay This needs to stop!!

    Mod Please Close?

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