LevelUpJordan's Forum Posts

  • Got it down to 75ish, thanks again!

  • That's a valid point. I'll think of a way to address it. Cheers!

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  • Hmm, weird. Maybe it's my laptop, everything else works fine though.

    I noticed the large memory use, I assumed that was correlated with layout size and am not sure how to fix it.

    Thanks for your input!

  • If you go here: http://levelupjordan.itch.io/rick-and-morty-thing (I know the zoom is odd, there's a full screen button in the bottom right) 's and click on S01E09 you'll notice it sort of crashes the browser and takes a while to load.

    I can't figure out why it's doing this, my only guess is the size of the layout but I thought layout size wasn't an issue.

    Here's the capx: http://www.filedropper.com/roar2 It's messy, but the relevant bits are pretty simple I think.

    Thank you!

  • I'd be up for this. I also have a load of prototypes (some on my user page: https://www.scirra.com/users/levelupjordan) that would make fun mini projects. I'd be up for something completely new too!

    I'm not much of an art guy but I'm not too bad (in my opinion) at programming and game design

  • A0Nasser Sorry, I'm not having a good day! That's a very old link, the newer one shouldn't have that issue. I've updated it now. Thanks and sorry for wasting your time.

    At the very most you may have to zoom out slightly but as I say, it should work fine with that link

  • What resolution did you set, that can't be play online?

    A0Nasser Sorry, that information is out of date, the link is for the online version. The game is 1920x1080

  • I've updated a fair bit although progress has been a bit slow due to illness, there is now some art in the game. Only the main player and the basic enemies but it should set the tone (see the gameplay gif in the original post).

    There are multiple levels and objectives which on completion spawns you to a new random level and reduces the difficulty.

    Coins can now be collected for points and combo.

    Please give it a try

  • Thanks! Glad you liked it.

    There is actually an artist busy making art assets as I type so I felt like getting placeholders in for only a few days would be time/effort that could be used somewhere else wasted. I'll be sure to update the post when we have art

  • This is a fairly early prototype, you customise your loadout with different weapons, perks etc. then tackle wave after wave of enemies,

    At the start of a level you are given an objective which on completion will transport you to a new level and reduce difficulty.

    You die when your combo hits 0.

    Play In Browser: http://levelupjordan.itch.io/platformershmup-prototype

    Left click to shoot primary, right click for secondary. Move with WASD

    A few issues I think need addressing are:

    1. The difficulty, right now the game in general and the objectives are much too tough

    2. Art and sound

    3. Upon completion of an objective the spawning in a new level is too quick and jarring

    4. Needs more variety

    Any feedback is appreciated, even if it's just reiterating the issues I mentioned above.



  • Have you tried using a global variable and adding 1 to it every time the player gets a kill within the alloted time period?

    I have no problem with counting the amount of enemies killed, the difficulty is checking whether each string of X kills took place within the given time limit

  • I'm currently adding objectives to a game I'm working on. I want to add some which require you to kill a certain amount of enemies within a certain time period, The issue is that any killed enemy could be the 1st, 4th, 9th etc. enemy in the successful chain. So how do I keep track of the multiple different sets of kills all at once to check whether they were completed in the time period. I apologise about this explanation being a bit iffy but I'm struggling to put down what I mean into words.


  • Why can't you make it a webgame? (i'm not good with the technical stuff)

    Hey Erfeo

    I was really stupid and made the resolution much too high so nowhere will host it really, although to be honest I quite like the idea of having a downloadable game but it's a lot more difficult at the moment when looking for feedback.

  • Yeah, I kind of use groups as comments. But I understand they're not very detailed.

    Hopefully someone can confirm if this is an issue with Construct 2/Node WebKit or the game itself, it seems to work in debug similar to what A0Nasser described

  • Hi,

    I wasn't sure whether to put this here or in the bugs section, apologies if this is the wrong place. I recently posted a prototype I exported with node webkit online for some early feedback, it can be found here http://forums.tigsource.com/index.php?topic=41007.0 in case that information is needed. A few users mentioned the game would freeze for a few seconds and I have no idea what's causing it, unfortunately there are roughly 200 events so I worry finding the issue may be tough but I can't figure out for the life of me what would cause this.

    Here's the capx: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bci5evuo82yl8k0/PrototypeThing2.capx

    And as a bonus favour (feel free to ignore this) any feedback on the game itself would be awesome

    Thankyou for your time,
