LevelUpJordan's Forum Posts

  • No problem, I think we're all constantly learning how to do new stuff in Construct.

    Okay, change the action to set text: int(player.platform.speed)

    int rounds down the number in brackets

  • Hmmm, I just tested it and it works for me. Does it look just like this: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bydpaq7iubmfdwf/Untitled.png

    If you want you can upload the capx???

  • Every Tick: Set text: player.platform.speed (With no quotation marks!!!!)

    Should work fine

  • I'll take a look at that guide, thanks! PC, I'll be honest though, I've only tested on a non gaming laptop but in the past my other games have ran fine. To be more specific, 40-50% of the cpu is taken up by "engine" and another 30-40% by events.

    They shoot every random(1,2) seconds at the moment. I have quite a few event groups that switch on/off when necessary so think I'm okay on that front.

    Thanks for your help, hopefully someone else will be able to open the capx and tell me I'm being an idiot!

  • No problem!

  • So I'm making a platformer/bullet hell type thing but I'm having trouble with the enemies' behavior. I want some that run around on the ground, some that fly etc. but the only way I can think of programming them is with the platform behaviour (as gravity and solid interaction is necessary) but this absolutely ruins performance as I need around 20 enemies on screen. Is there a more efficient way to do this?

    On a similar note bullets colliding with walls is pretty expensive in terms of cpu when there are lots of bullets, any advice for this?


    Here's the capx, sorry if the event sheet is a bit of a mess: https://www.dropbox.com/s/enepa24ikhhnp ... Thing.capx

  • If I'm understanding correctly, then something like this should work:

    When power up used- Set player max speed to self.platform.maxspeed+50

    Where "when power up used" is whatever event you have when a power up is used

    If you could delete these I'd really appreciate it, thanks

    http://www.scirra.com/arcade/addicting- ... lk-is-over



    I got pretty bad at double uploading :\</p>

  • Thanks! :D

  • Hey! I didn't know you could get C2 games on GameStick, any tutorials about?

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  • Good call on the separating them, that was fairly stupid of me. As for installing it, I'm a noob myself; I'll have a look round on this site, I'm sure it'll say somewhere. Do let me know what you think if you get it to work :)

  • Sorry, that reallyy needs a better description. You have to repeatedly tap E, I think it's 5 times before you wake up.

    Thanks for your input :)

  • This is the first time I've linked to this game for public opinion, only a few hours in but some early feedback would be great. ?Anything from bugs, to gameplay criticisms to theme suggestions is hugely appreciated. ?All I have is a short prototype level but hopefully it's worth your time. ?All art is temporary.

    The game is best described as a cross between Hotline Miami and Velocity Ultra, please take a look and provide feedback :)

    Windows Download

    Mac Download

    Linux Download

    If for any reason you didn't want to download the game then could you please explain why, that information is useful too!

    Thanks again!

  • Hi! I want to make a Binding Of Isaac style game, basically a zelda style roguelike. I've been struggling with randomly generating a world though, I know there are 2 major ways to tackle this:

    1) Not actually generating a room but picking a random preset layout for each room

    2) Completely randomize the generation through algorithms, arrays and such

    I'd be happy to take either approach, the issue gets more complicated when rooms have to be persistent, a player must be able to leave a room, re-enter and be in the same room. This is where my troubles start, but other issues include putting doors in the correct places and ensuring the amount of rooms is kept manageable

    Sorry if my post seems rather nonsensical but I have assumed a basic knowledge of The Binding Of Isaac (which everyone should play by the way)

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  • Hey! Sorry to keep posting about me and my games but I tried to put this on Reddit's Feedback Friday and that place is chaos! So, I've made a 2 Player Competetive Platformer (Now with single player) which I personally compare to Divekick a lot. It's working title is It's Nothing Personal, if you could take the time to download it I'd love to know:

    1)What you think in general?

    2)Do you feel the power ups are balanced?

    3)If you have them available does it work with controllers?

    4)How is the performance (stuff like frame rate in the top right corner)?

    Please make sure drivers and stuff are updated, it ran terribly for me until I realised I had a DirectX from the stone ages :P

    Anyway here's the link

    Windows Download Here

    Mac Download Here

    Linux Download Here


    P1 uses arrow keys

    P2 uses WASD

    Switch between 1 and 2 players in the menu with A and D keys

    Toggle Player Collision with W and S keys

    Sorry it's a download, I messed up with sizes so couldn't upload it to the arcade!

    Thanks in advance,
