LevelUpJordan's Forum Posts

  • Hi! I've been recently trying to get back into the gamedev swing of things now my year of uni has finished and thought I'd start with this.

    Gameplay Gif: http://i.minus.com/ibwaSbcBmm0gZy.gif

    Play It In Browser: http://levelupjordan.itch.io/platformershmup-prototype

    The game is customisable in a similar way to Luftrausers where you mix and match different perks, this is very early on so it looks pretty rough but I'd still appreciate feedback on general gameplay, over/underpowered weapons and performance.

    You lose when your combo hits 0, that's not really explained in game at the moment. Again, sorry.

  • Hi,

    I posted a prototype I made on Reddit's Feedback Friday, I exported using Node Webkit then zipped the files and uploaded them to Dropbox. Apparently the Linux version causes this to happen:

    ./newproject: error while loading shared libraries: libudev.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

    I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong, whether the Linux user is doing something wrong or whether this is a Connstruct issue. Any help would be appreciated.

    Thanks <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    EDIT: Link in case it helps: http://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comment ... ay/chur7s1

  • Hey! LevelUpJordan I'm trying to contact you, but I can't send PMs yet, If you hace skype or some way to get in contact with me, please let me know by PM

    Yup, I'm LevelUpJordan on Skype too

  • Thanks for your help! I'm glad you found it interesting, admittedly it's pretty bare bones at the moment but I'm glad you like the concept. So my laptop must be the cause of 15 fps performance, not the game-that's a relief. Thanks!!!

    More feedback is welcome

  • No problem! Using an instance variable is probably best. Give your character a variable "ammo" and set it to 10 or something

    On the shooting event add another condition - character, compare instance variable, ammo > 0

    Then add an action - character, subtract from, subtract one from ammo

    If you need to pick up ammo, just add to the ammo variable.

    Hope this helps!

  • No problem

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  • Hey! Do you mean so that there's an amount of time between shots or there is a limit on the quantity fired?

    Basically do you mean a reload time or ammo?

  • Yes! Exactly that, sprite.Y+(300/30*dt) will move 300 in 30 seconds

    We can use the same logic for this second problem. The distance moved is (distance/time*dt), in this case 5/0.2*dt which is equal to 25*dt, so if it's still moving downwards we would use sprite.Y+(25*dt).

  • So I'm making a platformer/bullet hell type game with loadout customisation (think Luftrausers), here is the prototype's artless capx: https://www.dropbox.com/s/enepa24ikhhnp ... Thing.capx

    You can mess about with loadouts by setting variables to 1 on the event sheet

    On my laptop it seems to chug as enemies spawn but I'm not sure if it is my iffy at best laptop or inefficient programming. I'd therefore appreciate hearing how it runs for you.


  • If in 60 seconds you wanted to move 300 pixels the equation you want is sprite.Y + (300/60*dt) = sprite.Y + (5*dt)

    dt is the time that has passed since the last frame so in 1 second the sum of dt will equal 1

    Does that make sense?

  • As a side note, if people who download it could check how it runs (so I know if there is an issue or not) that would be fantastic. Thanks!

  • The way I currently do it is by making them platformers but with 0 gravity, this works better for me as the height they fly at isn't constant. I think the issue is too many platform behaviors anyway. But thanks for the suggestion

  • Okay, I'd use a variable here, I'll be using "CanUsePowerUp" which starts at 0

    X is how long the power should be active

    Events: On power up activated


    Actions: Set CanUsePowerUp to 1

    Set max speed to self.platform.maxspeed+50

    Wait X Seconds

    Set max speed to self.platform.maxspeed-50

    Wait 20-X seconds

    Set CanUsePowerUp to 0

  • Ha, Thanks! If you just make loads of little games as practice (I have like 14) you tend to just pick things up as you go along

    Oh yeah, and if ever you need any help and don't get an answer here feel free to PM. (I'm not often in this forum)

  • Try this:

    On power up used: set max speed to player.platform.maxspeed+50

    wait X seconds

    set max speed to player.platform.maxspeed-50